things you hate with a passion

tbh the British empire was way more honest and less hypocritical. They were just all "okay, we're gonna take everybody's shit. Fuck you all." And then they did. America is like " Yeah. Terrorists. See! There! A Terrorist over by that oil field. We'd better occupy that oil field. Send in the troops"

This isn't true at all. The Sons of Liberty were terrorists for years before the American Revolution. They engaged in illegal opium trading with China during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. They forced the entire Acadian population to move from Nova Scotia during the Great Upheaval after they wouldn't swear fealty to the Crown. They're no better than the "American" empire.
Hey Nymph, have you heard of Metallica? My super obscure friend introduced me to them, are they too mainstream or obscure enough?
I never said Burzum were underground, and I'm not trying to be cool for listening to undeground stuff.

Amazon and eBay, and most other large online stores, have Burzum's music for sale. You clearly haven't looked very hard. I assume that you haven't heard his music, because you'd most likely hate it based on what I've seen of your music taste so far.
Who said I didn't like Burzum? I'm a big fan of Mayhem, so I got into their side-projects too. A lot different from Mayhem, but I still love it.
Just got back from the bank (yea at 1am) and it seems those meanies have put my savings account in the negatives again. This time they're calling it a service charge, HEH!
Miley Cyrus. GO TO HELL


She's working her way there.
They have stores that sell CDs. :)

I'm assuming Australia does have CD shops...obviously, and Burzum should be one of the easiest black metal bands to buy CDs of.
HA! You won't find any metall at the stores here. The only good CDs I can find in them are Napalm Death and the old stuff like Metallica, Anthrax etc.


Cannibal Corpse are banned in Australia. You can't buy their albums and they are not allowed to tour here.:mad::mad::mad:

inb4 australia are noobs

She's working her way there.

Did you hear about her little spat with Radiohead? I thought it was pretty hilarious:

Radiohead's Thom Yorke Schools Miley Cyrus & Kanye West on Humility
Fri., Mar. 13, 2009 8:45 AM PDT by Breanne L. Heldman

When Radiohead refused to meet Miley Cyrus and Kanye West at the Grammy Awards last month, the starlet threatened to "ruin" them and the rapper refused to stand for their performance. Now the In Rainbows band is fighting back.

Cyrus kicked off the feudin' during an appearance on the Johnjay and Rich radio show and rambled on for more than six minutes about how the band dissed her after she begged her manager to set up an introduction.

"I'm like, these are the people I really want to meet," she said. "I'd freak out. They're my rock gods. These are the only people that I would cry over…My manager asked and said, 'Miley's really obsessed. And they were like, 'We don't really do that.' "

She continued on in disbelief about the Thom Yorke band's lack of interest in meeting the Hannah Montana, admitting she was so disappointed about the diss, she left the show early.

"I left 'cause I was so upset," she said. "I wasn't going to watch. Stinkin' Radiohead! I'm gonna ruin them, I'm going to tell everyone."

The three-time Grammy winners responded by putting the teen in her place…

"When Miley grows up, she'll learn not to have such a sense of entitlement," the quintet said in a statement.

But the Radiohead beef buck doesn't stop there.

During the taping for his episode of VH1's Storytellers, West complained that Yorke snubbed him as well.

"When he performed at the Grammys, I sat the fuck down," the rapper said.

The British "Creep" singer, already in full retaliation mode, concluded a blog post on the band's website with a wink and a nudge to both stars. "Wish us all a safe journey if you still like us and you're not one of those people I have managed to offend by doing nothing," Yorke writes.