And fuck, elitism? Has education dipped so low that actually KNOWING something is deemed elitist?
Grrr I fucking hate that too. They're always fucking pink-wearing Jonas Brothers fans who say "OMG I liek all muusic!!123". Just tell them to go look up a band called Torsofuck and see if they like them. Fucking cunts.When people tell me they like "all music" I straight-up tell them they don't. Because I've yet to meet someone who truly does.
For someone who doesn't care, you sure feel the need to explain yourself often.
Sometimes these people aren't too bad but you can tell they aren't music fans.Grrr I fucking hate that too. They're always fucking pink-wearing Jonas Brothers fans who say "OMG I liek all muusic!!123". Just tell them to go look up a band called Torsofuck and see if they like them. Fucking cunts.
I see them all the time on campus, and generally kids that had no social life in high school seem to do that shit.
I mean if anything, if you're gonna fuck around it should be earlier on in your academic career, not in university.
Also, I hate how people think metal is emo. IT IS NOT! My sister sees me wearing a Metallica t-shirt and she says "they're so emo!'. And a friend of mine sees me quoting the Misfits in my MSN name and says "You're so emo!" IT'S NOT FUCKING EMO!
I know what you mean, seriouslyPeople call me emo because I listen to Metal. I tend to laugh at them. It's just when people say my music causes my depression that sparks off my rage button.
No, my music does not cause depression you fucking tools. YOU CAUSE MY FUCKING DEPRESSION. You bitchy narrow minded petty attitudes, your constant ribbings, insults and offhand rudeness, your petty jealous attitudes towards things I have and you don't (can you believe I was actively bullied for being a clear foot taller then most of my classmates when I was in primary school?), your constant cramming of your tastes down my throat, your unkind stares and whispered comments and your constant reminders that I'm different to you all.
I also hate people who try to force pills onto me. I do not believe in chemical dependencies, I believe in solving the fucking problem not hiding from it. Its why I also don't take painkillers unless I'm in complete agony. I can cope without it, and I don't need people trying to push things on me that I do not need.
Oh, and I hate doctors. At least the doctors I've seen of late. Apperently there's nothing wrong with me bar depression. Yeah, because depression causes massive joint pains, apperently. I'm only 23, and practically every single joint in my body aches and clicks audibly. And there's nothing wrong with me. Bollocks.