things you hate with a passion

LaVey used satan as a means of dramatic symbolism. the quick way to insult a christian is to start worshipping satan. the same goes for his satanist ceremonies and what not. its a dramatization/mockery of religion. they just use satan to offend people

For some. That's one of the types I can't stand. If your goal is to offend, don't tell me you're a Satanist. Satanism in a theistic way is separated from Christianity altogether. Sure, I hate the religion, but offending is not my goal. It's a belief system, not a way to rebel (for me).
Most of you know I am Christian. I participate in my church (contemporary band, web work), go every week, tithe, etc. etc. However, I don't get into religious arguments because let's be honest, really, nobody ever wins, and one side will not be swayed or convinced that their belief is wrong, or flawed, etc. by the opposing side.

I know many "atheists" who are now Christian. I know many Christians who now denounce God and all he is and stands for.

A lot about the way one chooses to believe, has been influenced either by parents, friends, a father figure, or people they see in everyday life who claim to be [fill in the blank] and make a friggin crappy example for all [fill in the blank]s or something that has happened in their life.

I choose to share what I think when asked, I'm more than happy to explain why I believe what I do. I live my life as an example of being Christian without the need to shove it in people's face or put down someone else - because I am too far from perfect. Any Christian out there who puts you down for who you are or what you believe, well, they aren't living by what the Bible says and quite honestly they embarrass me.

Everyone has free will, to be who they want to. I don't have to agree with the Atheist or whatever sub sect of Satanic worshiper one may be. I certainly don't hate you and you won't find me throwing the ol stone from my glass house.

Things in life change for everyone. Personally, I've had things in my life that have convinced me that a Christian is who I am. I believe in God. I have a lot of questions and certainly am baffled by things in life; how it can be allowed that children are raped, tortured, people murdered, atrocities, the list goes on.

One day maybe all those will be answered. BUT, carry on with your arguments (I'M LOOKING TO BAN YOU GOD HATERS ANYWAYS#@)*%)@#*%)@) haha!
Most of you know I am Christian. I participate in my church (contemporary band, web work), go every week, tithe, etc. etc. However, I don't get into religious arguments because let's be honest, really, nobody ever wins, and one side will not be swayed or convinced that their belief is wrong, or flawed, etc. by the opposing side.

I know many "atheists" who are now Christian. I know many Christians who now denounce God and all he is and stands for.

A lot about the way one chooses to believe, has been influenced either by parents, friends, a father figure, or people they see in everyday life who claim to be [fill in the blank] and make a friggin crappy example for all [fill in the blank]s or something that has happened in their life.

I choose to share what I think when asked, I'm more than happy to explain why I believe what I do. I live my life as an example of being Christian without the need to shove it in people's face or put down someone else - because I am too far from perfect. Any Christian out there who puts you down for who you are or what you believe, well, they aren't living by what the Bible says and quite honestly they embarrass me.

Everyone has free will, to be who they want to. I don't have to agree with the Atheist or whatever sub sect of Satanic worshiper one may be. I certainly don't hate you and you won't find me throwing the ol stone from my glass house.

Things in life change for everyone. Personally, I've had things in my life that have convinced me that a Christian is who I am. I believe in God. I have a lot of questions and certainly am baffled by things in life; how it can be allowed that children are raped, tortured, people murdered, atrocities, the list goes on.

One day maybe all those will be answered. BUT, carry on with your arguments (I'M LOOKING TO BAN YOU GOD HATERS ANYWAYS#@)*%)@#*%)@) haha!

Well, before I get banned, I'll talk lol. I completely agree. There's no need to bash other people just because they don't agree with you. That's why other 'Satanists' typically bother me. They'd rather bash some one of the Christian faith then to be a Satanist...which entails not bothering to typically worry about another's belief. I've had many long, interesting conversations with Christians who are at least open minded and intelligent. I've scoffed at atheists and Satanists. Be what you are, but be open minded and serious. Don't say you're a Satanist because you don't like other religions. It's not a bout that. Don't say you're a Christian just because you were raised that way. It's not about that. I'm done.
Any theistic beliefs have always seemed silly to me because from the outside it looks the same as people believing in leprechauns or the flying pink dildo. The level of arguments that people use to defend these kind of beliefs is indicative of how silly they are. I mean "prove me wrong" is what idiots say when pressed to explain their idiocy.

That said being religious is pretty understandable. Everyone likes being part of a group and it would be nice to believe that somebody up there loved me and we'd all be having orgies in heaven with all the cool people from the past after we die. It's just too bad that so often intolerance and goofy beliefs from ancient times are transmitted by religion when all people want is some community and some existential security.
Hence my problem with most Satanists. I don't affiliate with any group of any sort. I've got my beliefs, that's all. My arguments could seem silly to some. I don't expect otherwise. Even I question my beliefs...what intelligent person doesn't question things? But I don't like to use the 'you're wrong, I'm right' attitude, as it's very possible I'm wrong. It just suits me.
I hate mullets. I hate mullets themselves, and I hate the people with them (who I call 'Mullets'). A mullet infiltrates the mind and soul. Once you become a mullet, you shall remain a mullet I hate you.
I hate those short hairstyles every woman over the age of 40 gets. You can tell the 'fashion stylist' that gave her it was a homosexual. They're basically short back and sides with random looking highlights every where and random bits of lacquer.
My mom has that hairstyle, not random tints everywhere, but sort of like that. She also works at a kindergarten, and everyone who works there has that kind of haircut.

Same with my mum, and she works at kindergarten too.