This is what America does...

Yes, because NO ONE OTHER THAN AMERICANS do anything like this.
Shut the fuck up with your propaganda.

The dog thing is fake and your point is valid yeah.

But the shooting at their allies thing is pretty much only an American hobby :lol:
Karen -- I think you'll find this is the video that's on the news of a soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff.

My thought -- It could be real, it could be a fake, and I don't care either way. It's a sick reality. It's a sick fake. It's just plain fucked up pretty much regardless. Cruelty is not an American trait, it's a human trait. Whether the cruelty is to a puppy or an unsuspecting viewer who thinks it's a puppy is completey irrelevent. Sharing it like the sensational bit of gossip that it is, is equally fucked up. It's like spreading a chain letter, except you won't be sodomized by 16 goats and an elephant if you don't send this to everyone on your e-mail list in the next 30 seconds, and you will not win the lottery if you do. But if you do pass it on, you definitely need a he'met -- a pretty one with glitter and stickers and a nice, secure chin strap.
Heard about this... won't click. No matter what, fake or real... it spreads negative energy and it's nothing I'm interested in watching.