Thought About People Leaving Before Nevermore

metamorphosis said:
Well here's hoping that next year we get headliners that actually are power metal or prog metal bands.

Evergrey definitely fit the prog metal genre. They lean to a darker edge, but still fit.
Nevermore...hmmm...not sure about what genre they fit. Probably just a metal band. They don't come close to prog & don't have enough elements to be power. How about a Judas Priest wannabe band? There you go...they fit that, but with a much lesser talented singer & guitar duo. Even did a Priest cover...which is really the only decent song l've heard them do.
Ascension said:
Evergrey definitely fit the prog metal genre. They lean to a darker edge, but still fit.
Nevermore...hmmm...not sure about what genre they fit. Probably just a metal band. They don't come close to prog & don't have enough elements to be power. How about a Judas Priest wannabe band? There you go...they fit that, but with a much lesser talented singer & guitar duo. Even did a Priest cover...which is really the only decent song l've heard them do.

Well they're actually a GREAT band. Seriously. Wonderful band. I love them. But they're not exactly hard to see in this country and they are not remotely power or prog metal. There are are so many other bands that DO fit that bill that could be playing otherwise that it's silly.

Can you tell how disappointed I am?
Ascension said:
Nevermore...hmmm...not sure about what genre they fit. Probably just a metal band. They don't come close to prog & don't have enough elements to be power. How about a Judas Priest wannabe band? There you go...they fit that, but with a much lesser talented singer & guitar duo. Even did a Priest cover...which is really the only decent song l've heard them do.
I saw Nevermore in Gwinette. I'd never heard them before and they amazed me! My first impression was a next generation Queensryche. Both bands are from Seattle and sometimes Warrel Dane sounds like Geoff Tate. They really made up for Symphony X not being at Gwinette. The decibel limit sucked, and this will be Nevermore without the bullshit holding them back. They were much better than the slew of shitty hardcore bands playing Gigantour, I'd probably place them 3rd best band after Dream Theater and Megadeth.

Nevermore is a metal band. Their music has prog, power, and death elements. Saying they don't belong is like saying Mercenary doesn't belong or that Orphaned Land didn't belong last year. Their set is going to kickass. If you don't like them, leave. If you've never heard of them, it's definitely worth giving them the chance.

What's the deal with the "no moshing" rule? I didn't see anything about that on the main site. Come to think of it, I didn't see any rules on the main site. Is there a rule against nudity? A rule against making out with hot metal chicks? Was there a rule that nerds couldn't sing along with their favorite Blind Guardian songs. I can understand no hardcore dancing... but no moshing? It's like a "no headbanging" rule.

"This is an elite show with an elite audience. You have been warned."
Let's make this quote really mean something.

Aaarrrggg... I need a hotel near the venue that's cheap and can fit 4 people. I also need to find a party. What's a good mall with a good CD store in the Atlanta area? What's a good CD store in the Atlanta area?

Wow I'm off topic...
Gunstar9 said:

What's the deal with the "no moshing" rule? I didn't see anything about that on the main site. Come to think of it, I didn't see any rules on the main site. Is there a rule against nudity? A rule against making out with hot metal chicks? Was there a rule that nerds couldn't sing along with their favorite Blind Guardian songs. I can understand no hardcore dancing... but no moshing? It's like a "no headbanging" rule.


Hi Gunstar,

The no moshing rule has been in effect ever since I started this festival. Here are my reasons and nothing will change my mind:

1. I am a single individual that puts it all on the line to make this festival happen. I also take out insurance on each and every person that goes through the door. If an injury happens as a result of moshing, guess who gets sued? I will not chance that as the festival will cease to exist in a flash if something like that happens. This is the *main* reason for the no moshing rule. I am not Clear Channel. I rent the venue for the weekend so even they are absolved from responsiblity.

2. The average person that attends my festival is over 30, spends thousands of dollars, and is considered a white collar professional. They travel for hours once a year to truly appreciate the music and do not want to be hit by some young pup that wants to pla Mortal Combat on the floor. You don't bite the hand that feeds you in terms of what the majority wants. Otherwise, this show becomes just another Hot Topic/Ozzfest/bullshit show.

3. Most people that mosh nowadays go hardcore quickly. I have no doubt that some drunk idiot will attempt it during Nevermore. I about got my ass kicked last year for stopping a single jerk during Stratovarius (Stratovarius? who the fuck moshes to Stratovarius?). I'm not going back in this year as I'm turning it over to security.

You can argue every point with a valid counterpoint. However, this is my party and you are invited as long as you play by my rules. Anyone that thinks they can ignore my rule will be introduced to the door guys, "aka Tiny & Terminator."

Glenn H.
Gunstar9 said:
I saw Nevermore in Gwinette. I'd never heard them before and they amazed me! My first impression was a next generation Queensryche. Both bands are from Seattle and sometimes Warrel Dane sounds like Geoff Tate. They really made up for Symphony X not being at Gwinette. The decibel limit sucked, and this will be Nevermore without the bullshit holding them back. They were much better than the slew of shitty hardcore bands playing Gigantour, I'd probably place them 3rd best band after Dream Theater and Megadeth.

Nevermore is a metal band. Their music has prog, power, and death elements. Saying they don't belong is like saying Mercenary doesn't belong or that Orphaned Land didn't belong last year. Their set is going to kickass. If you don't like them, leave. If you've never heard of them, it's definitely worth giving them the chance.

What's the deal with the "no moshing" rule? I didn't see anything about that on the main site. Come to think of it, I didn't see any rules on the main site. Is there a rule against nudity? A rule against making out with hot metal chicks? Was there a rule that nerds couldn't sing along with their favorite Blind Guardian songs. I can understand no hardcore dancing... but no moshing? It's like a "no headbanging" rule.

"This is an elite show with an elite audience. You have been warned."
Let's make this quote really mean something.

Aaarrrggg... I need a hotel near the venue that's cheap and can fit 4 people. I also need to find a party. What's a good mall with a good CD store in the Atlanta area? What's a good CD store in the Atlanta area?

Wow I'm off topic...

:guh: If that's your have seriously lost your damn mind.

1. *Bows to Glenn* thank God you aren't Clear Channel. I do understand that people sue for the dumbest reasons. Metalheads must mosh responsibly.

2. I'm apparently not the average person that attends the festival. I'm going to save as much as my 21 year old ass can save from my just above minimum wage job to go see a concert that doesn't suck. Hot Topic isn't all about the music, go do a search on their site for Dream Theater. Thank God this isn't Ozzfest. We don't need eggs being thrown at good bands. I respect the older people that are there, it's badass to think that people of different ages can appreciate good metal (which DOES include Nevermore for anyone that is going to post a dumbass reply to this statement).

3. Hardcore dancers... sadly, moshing does lead most of the trendies to hardcore dancing. Of course, most of those kids used to be shaking their hands in odd motions to Limp Bizkit songs a few years ago. It's fucking hard to fight a trend. What the fuck do you have to drink to try to mosh to Stratovarius?

I'm more off for headbanging anyway, and I won't sue you for the whiplash, Glenn. I guess nudity is okay as long as no one gets hurt?

Doesn't anyone agree that there are similarities between Queensryche and Nevermore?
Originally Posted by Ascension
Nevermore...hmmm...not sure about what genre they fit. Probably just a metal band. They don't come close to prog & don't have enough elements to be power. How about a Judas Priest wannabe band? There you go...they fit that, but with a much lesser talented singer & guitar duo. Even did a Priest cover...which is really the only decent song l've heard them do.

TheWhisper said:

I know...l was laughing my ass off when l wrote that...the nerve of those guys!
jkohn said:
Last year was the first time (out of PP3-6) that we stayed for the last band's entire set on Sat, and even then I just wasn't as into it (though I still haven't decided whether that was because I was worn out or Stratovarius just didn't put on that great of a show). Friday night's usually not that bad, but fact is by the time the 10th band comes on, I'm not just physically tired I'm also growing weary of the concert experience in general (this was especially true last year after also attending the pre-party). Throw in a band I'm ambivalent about it it's just really hard to care enough to stay. So we'll probably do the same as at PP3-5 and sit in the stands for the first few songs and then head out. I'm actually almost relieved that the 10th band is somebody I'm not into because even if it was somebody I liked I probably wouldn't be able to fully enjoy them in that slot.

You'd do well at Wacken.
Ascension said:
Let's see... Dream Theater (my fav band) & Nevermore (one of your fav bands)played Gigantour. Nevermore played a menial role, didn't draw a crowd, and in my opinion & others at the shows...failed to impress. DT,on the other hand, ripped peoples heads off & carried that tour. Now, granted Gigantour probably didn't do as well as expected. But, it definitely was a start and had a good buzz. I promise you...had Nevermore been in DT's slot...that tour would have went in the toilet fast.
So, that being said, don't come with that..."how poor your taste in music is" bullshit. Nevermore couldn't carry DT's nutsacks...pure & simple.

BTW...Vanden Plas would have been a bigger draw instead of Nevermore...IMO. Their Christ 0 release should go over big. Nevermore couldn't carry their nutsacks either.

Oh lordy, you love DT. That explains everything. You & James LaShe would make a lovely couple. :p

As much as I love this lineup sans one act for which we all know how I feel about them. I think Glenn made one tactical error: Evergrey should have closed the festival. I believe that something that special in brigning an orchestra with the string sections for Evergrey commanded the last spot. Nevermore is, sadly, the anti-climax to the whole festival. I can guarantee that people would have found a way to stay for that special moment with Evergrey.

Ray C.

PS - Glenn, do not take what I said personally. Doing what you do commands anyone's respect. This event is killer. Just Evergrey should have closed it.
Stingray11214 said:

PS - Glenn, do not take what I said personally. Doing what you do commands anyone's respect. This event is killer. Just Evergrey should have closed it.

Nothing personal at all. There are numerous factors that influence who performs on which night. There is no rule that says a certain band has to close out the fest. BG, Nightwish, & WoMD all performed on Friday despite being the overall headliner. This year, I really look at Evergrey & Nevermore as co-headliners.

Evergrey basically sees the attendees at ProgPower as family. We have grown up with them so to speak. Given the choice, they would rather perform on Friday so they can party with us the rest of the weekend and not have to hold back until late Saturday night. Based on what the have helped me achieve, I'd say they have earned the right to do that.

Glenn H.
WOW! I am extremely confused and shocked by the nevermore bashing.

This band has put out nothing but consistantly great CDs and energetic live shows since.......forever.

I was a Sanctuary fan, the biggest fan, I saw them more times than I could count but once Nevermore was introduced Sanctuary paled in comparision. I've only missed one Nevermore tour ( the very first ), they always put on a show worth paying for.

To be honest I was not very impressed with this PP lineup until Nevermore and Evergrey were announced.

If you want to leave, then leave. There is no reason to whine about whom has been chosen to headline.

They combine all of the elements most people on this board claim to love, the power, prog, thrash, death.

Sorry if they dont' sound like the ten zillion Helloween and Dream theater clones that always appear at the fest.

Now I'm just being a jerk. :tickled:
Harvester said:
Nothing personal at all. There are numerous factors that influence who performs on which night. There is no rule that says a certain band has to close out the fest. BG, Nightwish, & WoMD all performed on Friday despite being the overall headliner. This year, I really look at Evergrey & Nevermore as co-headliners.

Evergrey basically sees the attendees at ProgPower as family. We have grown up with them so to speak. Given the choice, they would rather perform on Friday so they can party with us the rest of the weekend and not have to hold back until late Saturday night. Based on what the have helped me achieve, I'd say they have earned the right to do that.

Glenn H.

Evergrey parties? :confused:

DreamNeonBlack said:
Sorry if they dont' sound like the ten zillion Helloween and Dream theater clones that always appear at the fest.

Now I'm just being a jerk. :tickled:

you said it, not me... if that's how you generalize the power/prog bands that play here, why the fuck do you come all the way from connecticut