Thoughts on A sense of purpose

I think leaving choruses out of most/some songs would make the music alot better.

Or even making them longer, it's nothing but annoying that there's about 5 second of catchiness which repeats few times in the song. (etc. Crawl through knives or Drenched in fear.)
(half sarcastically saying though, I don't really care about the choruses usually, but at times they piss me off. :lol:)

I like almost all choruses..I don't see what you don't like in Crawl Through Knives & Drenched in Fear chorus ^^
Leaving out choruses would be wrong i think, it's not like they have too many in the songs.
crawl through knives has one the best chorus on cc they build it up the whole song, I think that the whole song is the chorus. Drenched in fear's chorus ruins one of my favorite songs on the album. They could have anything as a chorus why do they have something gay like "we are all drenched in fear" how emo, (HKH kills himself).
Their production is pretty must 80 - 90% the same, and the music style approach is very similar as well.
A lot has been covered in this topic already, however, I'll give my two cents anyway! - I think A Sense Of Purpose is an awesome record, personally; it is quite different than anything In Flames have done before, it terms of the song-writing (to a degree), the production as well as the overall atmosphere and aesthetic of the record, which is quite unlike anything else that I have heard, in my opinion and, because of the fact that it is a step in a new direction, I respect the band for it and, furthermore, for my own personal tastes, I think it's good too.

Also, for the record, I love EVERY album In Flames has done, from Lunar Strain to A Sense Of Purpose and, without a doubt, everything in between - they perform honest music, they're not afraid to experiment yet, at the same time, the sound is always and absolutely In Flames ... what's not to like? :)
Personally when I heard the new album i was excited and it worked. I have already accepted that In Flames will never again write music as epic and thoughtful as Pre-Clayman....but it's still entertaining. With that said....the more i listened to the album the more I picked out the flaws and heard it for what it was. I think what bothered me the most was Anders Vocals. While they're not bad....he's starting to do the metalcore type thing where he layers all the cleans are layered with some background scream....and it just takes away. Anders isn't the greatest "singer" out his cleans on like ordinary story....jotun...even through stye work well for him. But layering his cleans with screams is just too mainstream metal these days. Every once in awhile sure...not every song. ATR did the same thing on there new album Overcome...and its just weak.

As for the music.....I like a lot fo parts of the album....and again it's an entertaining album....I can put it in and listen all the way through and enjoy it.....but its not an album that will last the time...or if someone wants to hear a good metal album....thers no way in hell I'd recommend it...especially over Whoracle...Clayman...Colony...Jester....well you get the point. I do enjoy all of In Flames albums to a degree though....cause like I said...let's face Flames are a changed band. Might as well listen for what its worth.
I have to agree, Come Clarity was great...It wasn't like old In Flames, but it sounded fucking great on its own. ASOP has great moments (I'm the Highway, Condemned, Disconnected...) but overall it comes across as too soft and watered down. I wasn't too bothered by the lyrics, I think Anders was still writing about what he feels, just not using some of the usual metaphorish words. And as long as I feel that the lyrics are honest, I usually like them. I hope they go more into the Come Clarity direction next, or something with the great combination of beautiful leads and kick ass riffs as Clayman (although hoping for something like this is pretty much bound to end in disappointment :D)

Whoracle is still my favourite, though. :)
Weird record. Some good stuff, some not so good stuff. IMO the biggest problem is the prodcution ... it doesn't sound aggressive enough, while with CC (Take This Life for exemple) you had a pretty aggressive and raw sound.

Anders new half-scream/half clean is weird, but not bad. And he still can make some cool screams when he really want too.

Drenched in Fear guitar riff at 0:19 is fucking awesome though, I don't know why nobody mentions it :)
Weird record. Some good stuff, some not so good stuff. IMO the biggest problem is the prodcution ... it doesn't sound aggressive enough, while with CC (Take This Life for exemple) you had a pretty aggressive and raw sound.

Anders new half-scream/half clean is weird, but not bad. And he still can make some cool screams when he really want too.

Drenched in Fear guitar riff at 0:19 is fucking awesome though, I don't know why nobody mentions it :)
Definitely my favourite riff & song of ASOP, one of my all time favourites aswell.
When I first got ASOP, I was stunned. It sounded so good, I was listening to it all the time. But after some time, it started to bore me. So I started to listen to other In Flames albums, and that's how I discovered In Flames. I still think that it is a good album, but it doesn't sound as good as the older ones. My favorite now is Reroute to Remain, but the older are also awesome. I just hope that they'll get back to their "old" style and make an album that is like Whoracle or The Jester Race.
Its much better then Reroute to Remain. Its more catchy then Come Clarity, which doesn't have to be a bad thing. I didnt like the album at all at first, but have given it some spins and its not that bad at all.