Thoughts on A sense of purpose


EDIT: Stop comparing the old stuff with the new stuff as it is remarkably different. I don't even understand why one would do that.
Exactly the same case with CoB, people comparing HB with Blooddrunk, I mean, come on?
You shouldn't compare their new shit to their old shit, it's different territories. It's like trying to compare AC/DC to Cannibal Corpse.
You shouldn't compare their new shit to their old shit, it's different territories. It's like trying to compare AC/DC to Cannibal Corpse.
Yeah it really is. And with bands like IF and CoB where their old and new stuff is different, you only set up yourself to be disappointed hoping for any of the new stuff to sound like the old stuff. I don't really think anything or compare anything, I just listen to the music as if it was a random band, and I think you have a better chance of liking the music then.
You shouldn't compare their new shit to their old shit, it's different territories. It's like trying to compare AC/DC to Cannibal Corpse.

Yes, it is exactly like trying to compare AC/DC to Cannibal Corpse because, you know, they are after all in fact the same band! Idiot. That is about the most ridiculous statement ever posted on this entire forum.

The reason we compare "new" In Flames or CoB to "old" In Flames or CoB is because they are still the same bands with maybe minor changes. So essentially with the main members the influences and styles would be the same.
They've changed so much over the years that to be honest they might as well have changed their name entirely. Even when they play the old stuff live now it's a bit weird. Obviously the name value of In Flames as an established name in the metal scene was too much to throw away, but renaming themselves from STYE onwards would have been understandable.
They've changed so much over the years that to be honest they might as well have changed their name entirely. Even when they play the old stuff live now it's a bit weird. Obviously the name value of In Flames as an established name in the metal scene was too much to throw away, but renaming themselves from STYE onwards would have been understandable.
I don't see the point of changing name? Doesn't matter if you play technical death metal and then suddenly you start playing hip hop, don't see why a name change is necessary. Artistic freedom =) And with IF which you can still hear their trademark sound, I definitely don't see any reason AT ALL to why they should change name.
I don't see the point of changing name? Doesn't matter if you play technical death metal and then suddenly you start playing hip hop, don't see why a name change is necessary. Artistic freedom =) And with IF which you can still hear their trademark sound, I definitely don't see any reason AT ALL to why they should change name.

I didn't say I think they should change their name. Fact is they could quite easily change their band name from 2004 onwards and very few people would realise judging from the music alone that it was the same band that made TJR or Whoracle. Only the vocals would be any type of giveaway that it was the same band that created Colony & Clayman.

The reason fans are so up-in-arms over In Flames change is that it has been so drastic. They are a totally different band now to the band they were even a decade ago. Obviously all bands evolve, but this is total evolution (or devolution, depending on your view).

In Flames were pretty smart to keep their name though. They had acculminated huge respect from a large portion of the metal community and it would have been a poor choice commercially for them to change name. I genuinely think they got an easy ride off a lot of reviewers for albums like STYE and ASOP purely because they are In Flames and reviewers are basing at least part of their reviews on In Flames past successes. I very much doubt a new band producing STYE or ASOP would have gotten anywhere near the praise In Flames got from a significant number of critics for those albums. Admittedly, in some cases it works against them as well, but more often than not I'd say their pre-2004 reputation aided perception of their music rather than harmed it. I also think it garnered them more fans, as younger kids thought it was 'cool' to like a band that had major respect in the metal community, and In Flames capitalised on this by creating music geared towards a younger, more simple market (maybe an arguable point, but you only have to go to an In Flames show and witness the pathetic excuse for a crowd to see this is what they've achieved and I have no doubt they aimed for it).

I don't blame them for what they've done or how they've done it - they found a great way to make the band a brand - but whilst the current band may have a very few influences from their older days, so much has changed that you have to listen very hard to hear it. They've moved on, but they had such an impact on the metal scene and many people in it that a lot of their older fans are still struggling to do so.
It's quite obvious from the looks of his avatar.

If you want to say I am trolling by all means say it but as I mentioned a couple posts earlier I have absolutely no problem discussing what I like about In Flames. The only matter is that the most common discussion about In Flames is how they've done a 180 from the transfer of "old" to "new" and if you have nothing else to add to the debate then "you are fucking stupid" or "you are a troll" then quit opening this thread and reading the posts. It obviously sturs some kind of opinion in your head so contribute to the debate or leave it alone. Your comments like that are not very constructive.

I could understand why they would change their name. It would be to completely detach themselves with their past albums and I really don't think they want to do that besides on their large DVD set (which is fucking great. I wish I still had it) they made sure to have a lot of their older songs and a fucking huge nod to their past via totally awesome cover art.

Instantly when I think of new In Flames this thought comes to my mind: as much as I don't like the two/three newest albums in general F(r)iend, Crawl Through Knives and Vanishing Light are some totally awesome songs. Most of STYE is pretty damn dark and has some great melodies that reflect that. The opening melody is a perfect example. Vanishing Light has probably the only melody in recent years (maybe since Swim) that has me whistling along long after the song ended.

I remember before Come Clarity was released there was a buzz that the band would take it back for a few songs and nod towards their past styles which was very true. They did for a few songs and those are actually really damn good songs. With ASOP though, not so much of anything. The guitars are so thin and lightly distorted that it sounds like they are even afraid to be heavy anymore. Quite apparent right with the opening riff of the album. Maybe it is the production because it generally sounds quite weak.
If you want to say I am trolling by all means say it but as I mentioned a couple posts earlier I have absolutely no problem discussing what I like about In Flames. The only matter is that the most common discussion about In Flames is how they've done a 180 from the transfer of "old" to "new" and if you have nothing else to add to the debate then "you are fucking stupid" or "you are a troll" then quit opening this thread and reading the posts. It obviously sturs some kind of opinion in your head so contribute to the debate or leave it alone. Your comments like that are not very constructive.

I could understand why they would change their name. It would be to completely detach themselves with their past albums and I really don't think they want to do that besides on their large DVD set (which is fucking great. I wish I still had it) they made sure to have a lot of their older songs and a fucking huge nod to their past via totally awesome cover art.

Instantly when I think of new In Flames this thought comes to my mind: as much as I don't like the two/three newest albums in general F(r)iend, Crawl Through Knives and Vanishing Light are some totally awesome songs. Most of STYE is pretty damn dark and has some great melodies that reflect that. The opening melody is a perfect example. Vanishing Light has probably the only melody in recent years (maybe since Swim) that has me whistling along long after the song ended.

I remember before Come Clarity was released there was a buzz that the band would take it back for a few songs and nod towards their past styles which was very true. They did for a few songs and those are actually really damn good songs. With ASOP though, not so much of anything. The guitars are so thin and lightly distorted that it sounds like they are even afraid to be heavy anymore. Quite apparent right with the opening riff of the album. Maybe it is the production because it generally sounds quite weak.
I agree with you of most of your points, except that I do love everything, including ASOP very much. As a matter of fact, yesterday I was cranking ASOP up in my stereo system and I just came to think of, damn this is a fucking awesome album with awesome melodies. About F(r)iend, I think it is undoubtedly the heaviest song IF has ever made. I think all the hate for ASOP is more than unjustified, there's tons of awesome and original riffs and melodies.
If you want to say I am trolling by all means say it but as I mentioned a couple posts earlier I have absolutely no problem discussing what I like about In Flames. The only matter is that the most common discussion about In Flames is how they've done a 180 from the transfer of "old" to "new" and if you have nothing else to add to the debate then "you are fucking stupid" or "you are a troll" then quit opening this thread and reading the posts. It obviously sturs some kind of opinion in your head so contribute to the debate or leave it alone. Your comments like that are not very constructive.

I could understand why they would change their name. It would be to completely detach themselves with their past albums and I really don't think they want to do that besides on their large DVD set (which is fucking great. I wish I still had it) they made sure to have a lot of their older songs and a fucking huge nod to their past via totally awesome cover art.

Instantly when I think of new In Flames this thought comes to my mind: as much as I don't like the two/three newest albums in general F(r)iend, Crawl Through Knives and Vanishing Light are some totally awesome songs. Most of STYE is pretty damn dark and has some great melodies that reflect that. The opening melody is a perfect example. Vanishing Light has probably the only melody in recent years (maybe since Swim) that has me whistling along long after the song ended.

I remember before Come Clarity was released there was a buzz that the band would take it back for a few songs and nod towards their past styles which was very true. They did for a few songs and those are actually really damn good songs. With ASOP though, not so much of anything. The guitars are so thin and lightly distorted that it sounds like they are even afraid to be heavy anymore. Quite apparent right with the opening riff of the album. Maybe it is the production because it generally sounds quite weak.
I agree with you of most of your points, except that I do love everything, including ASOP very much. As a matter of fact, yesterday I was cranking ASOP up in my stereo system and I just came to think of, damn this is a fucking awesome album with awesome melodies. About F(r)iend, I think it is undoubtedly the heaviest song IF has ever made. I think most of all the hate for ASOP is unjustified, there's tons of awesome and original riffs and melodies.
Though I can't believe the same band wrote ASOP as the one that wrote Come Clarity (wait a sec, that could be said for each album), i still find this album is 'okay'.

* The guitars are jaded in my opinion- the riffs don't seem heavy, only crunchy, which is odd in itself considering you can almost constantly headbang throughout Come Clarity. Although the acoustics are astounding as per usuall from In Flames (Chosen Pessimist and Alias ETC).

* The solos suck balls- they last around 5 seconds each.

* The drums do kick up a storm here and there, but without energetic riffs and much decent pace to work with they fall flat on their face.

* Lyrics- i haven't got a clue what happened to them, but it's like they got a different guy called 'Anders' to write the lyrics than the guy who made the (lyrical) masterpiece called Come Clarity.

* Vocals- again, what happened to the vocals? In CC we saw the cleanest, scorching screams Ander's has ever done, combined with decent clean vocals. In ASOP we have over-produced vocal layering. Take March to the Shore's chorus, the clean vocals whining in the background behind the growls are pointless- why not have the singing on it's own like any other chorus from CC? Or better yet why not have a growled chorus? Both singing styles at the same time can't be pulled off live anyway.

* The highlights in my opinion- Alias for trying something completely different with the odd pop chorus thing, and the circus-like vibe, combined with an almost arena style riffing. The Chosen Pessimist for being an epic 8-minute progg song that they use creatively on stage. That's probably about it.

Does anyone else feel that the 3 other songs on The Mirror's Truth EP should have been included on A Sense of Purpose instead of crap like Condemned or Sleepless Again?
Well Condemned I think is pretty nice and thrashy.
Do I can agree on ONE song, that is Sleepless Again, I very rarely listen to it actually when I think of it. I really really don't agree about the guitar sound in ASOP though, CC guitars was 'crunchy', while ASOP guitars is..very melodic. I don't understand the word jaded associated with describing the production of guitars though, it doesn't make sense. And if anything on ASOP, the drumming is phenomenal. Oh well, we all have different opinions, I'm just glad I happen to like everything a lot :)
I thought The Mirror's Truth EP was actually quite good. I liked Tilt, TMT is one of the better songs off ASOP, Abnegation is the best song lyrically they've done since Clayman(album) and Eraser is musically probably the track I've enjoyed the most since Clayman(album).

Bizarre that neither Abnegation nor Eraser got onto ASOP.
I thought The Mirror's Truth EP was actually quite good. I liked Tilt, TMT is one of the better songs off ASOP, Abnegation is the best song lyrically they've done since Clayman(album) and Eraser is musically probably the track I've enjoyed the most since Clayman(album).

Bizarre that neither Abnegation nor Eraser got onto ASOP.
I agree, but In Flames did Majority votes on the songs, and that songs ended up on the bonus disc..BUT, they have said now after hand that they do regret some songs being on the EP that should have been on the album instead, but no word on which ones. And Eraser is top3 of my all-time favorite IF songs.
I agree, but In Flames did Majority votes on the songs, and that songs ended up on the bonus disc..BUT, they have said now after hand that they do regret some songs being on the EP that should have been on the album instead, but no word on which ones. And Eraser is top3 of my all-time favorite IF songs.

Eraser should have been on ASOP without a doubt. Abnegation deserved a place over a number of songs that made the album, too.

I would probably have put them both on the album and stuck TCP on the EP. I know there are a few people who like TCP but as an experimental track that doesn't really fit in with the album at all and grinds it to a halt I think it would have been better off placed on the EP, with Eraser and Abnegation taking its place (I think combined they'd be roughly the same length as TCP).