I just got a sense of purpose


Sep 7, 2007
You don't have to read this, but if you clicked on it you might as well.
Basically, can't be bothered to read through the A Sense Of Purpose thread, which is officially too long for me to care. This is what we call arrogance.
I realize that all you motherfuckers downloaded it the instant it leaked, but I did this old school. Or tried to, but they weren't selling it on tour. So I went and ordered the album. And I got it.


I really liked it. At first the amount of clean vocals was weird. The less aggressive sound was a bit of a shift. The production is much more dynamic than on Come Clarity, too. I wasn't blown away by ASOP but I definitely liked it. I think I liked it a little better than CC, though it's a weird comparison. CC is more aggressive and angry, both lyrically and musically. ASOP is way chiller, with far more present keyboards (which was something I definitely dug). I like Anders' lyrics, and his clean singing is great. Also, there's the occasional backing growl, which is cool. Good melodies and solos, good riffs, good drumming. I liked the whole thing. Not sure what my favorite song is; probably either Alias or Move Through Me or something.
One thing: on the Mirror's Truth I thought the bit where he's all "should I join the feast? should I acknowledge the leash?" was way catchier than the actual chorus...that happened in a few places, that chorus was less catchy than another part of the song. Still, generally a good album. IF have been improving since R2R, and I'm excited to see them again in November. This time I'll know all the songs.
yeah dude its a great album and i am enjoying it everything is great about it and yes it is a little bit less intense then any of their other CDs
A sense of purpose has in my opinion ALOT average songs.

Average songs= The mirrors truth, Disconnected, I'm the highway, Move through me, Sober and irrelevand, Condemned.

Best songs: Drenched in fear (best song on a sense of purpose, period (whatever that means :lol:), March to the shore.

crappy songs: Sleepless again, Alias (i'm not kidding.) Delight and angers, The chosen pessimist. They should have replaced them with the bonus songs, Eraser, Tilt and Abnegation.
Oh man, Here's my worst, average, and best songs. I got the extended version so I'm including Eraser, Tilt, and Abnegation.
Worst: Tilt, March to the Shore, The Chosen Pessimist (least fav IF song ever. So freaking lame), Abnegation, possibly Condemned, because of that shitty guitar bending shit in the main riff. Would be better without that.

Average: Eraser, Delight and Angers, I'm the Highway (chorus brings it down), Sober and Irrelevant, maybe the Mirror's Truth.

Best on the Album: Sleepless again, Alias (I seem to be one of the few :p), Drenched in Fear, Move Through Me (AWESOME solo part), Disconnected (heaviest not-lame song on the album).

If I missed something (don't think I did), I'll add it in. I really like the new album, more than Come Clarity, and I used to love that one. It's the best post-R2R album, imo.
I definitely enjoy it more than Come Clarity and Soundtrack. Its probably tied with Reroute if anything.
I thought The Chosen Pessimist was cool, but that's me - I tend to be attracted to pretty much anything with a good mood or atmosphere.
I think Disconnected is really cool it's just that "I feel like shit but at least I feel something" gives it a shitload of gayness points.

Mirror's truth: Fucking sucks. It's so repeatitave. Basically 1 main riff. (dunt chug chug dunt chug chug dunt dunt, dunt= melody, chug= palm muted open highstring)

Disconnected: I just told you, it's heavy and it has some good riffs.

Sleepless Again: Nice acoustic, then it gets emo.

Alias: kind of emo, but it's intense, but the chorus is seriously emo. The synths sound like CC's "Your bedtime story is scaring everyone", the acoustis is really low tuned, but it's really good and reminded many of Old In Flames.

I'm The Highway: Pretty cool. Nice lyrics. Jumpy song

Delights and Angers: Cool. Chorus sounds like an increadibly emo version of ClayMan for some reason.

Move Through Me: Really cool imo. Pretty heavy and the chorus sounds like DT. I like the chorus's singing.

Chosen Pessimist: I don't know, I mean maybe they were trying to make the next easy-going song.

Sober and Irrelevant: This song is sober of metal and is irrelevant to my liking. Actually it's a pretty neat song.

Condemned: I like it.

Drenched In Fear: FUCKING AWESOME.

March To The Shore: Pretty cool lyrics. This song reminds me of CKY for some reason.
About Drenched in fear, i just love the lyrics:

''Make me bother, I dare you,
I've got the strength I need,
But await my darkest moment,
When the guilt doesnt get TO ME!'' :worship: :kickass:
Out of the ballads post-Clayman... Dawn of a New Day is alright, Metaphor has a charm to it, Evil in a Closet is good thanks to the heavy ending, Come Clarity is fine for a standard pop-rock song, and TCP is just strange. I don't think the vocals really suck as such in any of them, the problem is that Anders can't perform them half as well live. ProTools ftw I guess.
Am I the only one who thought this album was bad?

There are a couple of good songs or maybe three, many average songs, but there's the worst song that I've ever hear for IF

Best songs: Move Through Me, Drenched in fear, March To The Shore

Average songs: Condemned, The mirrors truth, sleepless again, Disconnected, Alias, , Sober and irrelevant.

Worst: Mirror's Truth, Delights and Angers, I'm the highway, Chosen Pessimistic (worst IF song ever).

I was just looking a review for a guy I know(not personally but I always like to read his posts), I just found it, I always agree with that guy for some reason, I think I was the only one who stood by him when he defended it the album come clarity when it came out. anyway, here's the link for it http://www.metalreview.com/4379/In-Flames-A-Sense-Of-Purpose.aspx <<< just the first article.

p.s: If I'm not allowed to put the link then I'll just delete it :).
Am I the only one who thought this album was bad?

Depends. I think A Sense Of Purpose is better than Come Clarity, but I do miss the aggression in Anders' voice that was present on CC.
Come Clarity had a generally faster pace too, I miss that also.

Compare ASOP to Clayman or even Reroute, and yeah, it is kind of a bad album.

Best songs: Move Through Me, Drenched in fear, March To The Shore

Average songs: Condemned, The mirrors truth, sleepless again, Disconnected, Alias, , Sober and irrelevant.

Worst: Mirror's Truth, Delights and Angers, I'm the highway, Chosen Pessimistic (worst IF song ever).

I agree with most of your ratings, but personally I would put I'm The Highway and Condemned into best songs, and drop Alias into worst.

Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of In Flames, but I just feel that ASOP lacked real effort. I feel that In Flames are 'coasting' - they seem to be on auto-pilot.
Nothing stands out, it's all very similar and safe.
hmm, A sense of purpose lacks something, i mean, lots of songs sound so similar and in my opinion the only song that's originel and realy good to check out is Drenched in fear...the rest aint too special in my ears. :erk:
Am I the only one who thought this album was bad?

There are a couple of good songs or maybe three, many average songs, but there's the worst song that I've ever hear for IF

Best songs: Move Through Me, Drenched in fear, March To The Shore

Average songs: Condemned, The mirrors truth, sleepless again, Disconnected, Alias, , Sober and irrelevant.

Worst: Mirror's Truth, Delights and Angers, I'm the highway, Chosen Pessimistic (worst IF song ever).

I was just looking a review for a guy I know(not personally but I always like to read his posts), I just found it, I always agree with that guy for some reason, I think I was the only one who stood by him when he defended it the album come clarity when it came out. anyway, here's the link for it http://www.metalreview.com/4379/In-Flames-A-Sense-Of-Purpose.aspx <<< just the first article.

p.s: If I'm not allowed to put the link then I'll just delete it :).

You are not alone.
Ok, my final ratings:

The mirrors truth: pretty catchy, good solo not too special but not bad at all.

Disconnected: horrible lyrics, good riffs, some growls by Anders wich are great, one of the better songs.

Sleepless again: boring, an filler

Alias: the acoustic breakdown is nicely done, but that's just it.

I'm the highway: pretty catchy song, good solo!

Delight and angers: Filler... not catchy at all

Move through me: a bit boring, good solo.

The chosen pessimist: starts horrible, fucking boring but ends up decent.

Sober and irrelevant: pretty catchy, again some growls by Anders.

Condemned: starts very boring, very catchy chorus and some growls by Anders.

Drenched in fear: an good song after 8 years (in my opinion most new songs are decent or boring, this is an exception :)) catchy riffs, catchy lyrics and GROWLSSSSSSSSSSS :kickass:

March to the store, ups i ment shore: pretty catchy song, nice growls and good solo, one of the better songs.

Best songs: Disconnected, Drenched in fear and March to the shore.

I want to hear more brutallity, damned!