Thoughts on A sense of purpose

I don't see how ASOP is whiny? Anders is way more whinier in CC, in ASOP he seemed to control his vocals more.

Atleast ASOP wasn't like this and had variety.

I wouldn't say ASOP had more variety than CC. All of the songs besides Alias and TCP are pretty much the same in terms of tempo and vocals. CC had more variety in both of those departments. And Anders' vocals are more whiny on ASOP than on CC. His screams are more aggressive on CC.
I'm starting to dig Come Clarity again actually.

Reroute > Come Clarity though

I usually say Reroute is one of my least favorite albums mainly because of the vocals. I would like his vocals if they didn't have that effect thing over them. I really can't understand him half of the time. Does anyone know what that is?
Just the production.

But for new albums I gotta say
Reroute > Come Clarity > STYE = ASOP
Not including the newest one.
Fuck you guys!

You made me listen CC again, and now I can't get Scream chorus out of my head.

Ah, alternate universe...

ASOP isn't boring whiny shit, you like BVB, I'm not supercool, Korfius hates In Flames, Belmer can't grow beard, Vanilla isn't French, Charade doesn't have a thread, Dantess is a Lunar Strain freak, Jester 313 hates Bottled, Bottled is chosen in top 10 greatest metal riff ever, Daniel has beard, Anders can sing, Anders doesn't have animal torturing voice fetish, Anders doesn't feel like shit and feels nothing, Anders doesn't like ice cream, Anders doesn't have a better plan, Anders doesn't have a better plan, Anders doesn't have a better plan, Anders doesn't have a better plan, Anders doesn't have a better plan, Anders doesn't have a better plan, Anders doesn't have a better plan, Anders doesn't have a better plan...

This post just about sums up all our shenanigans over the past 150 pages of 'Sounds of Playground...' thread. I salute you sir! :worship:
I put Reroute above CC, but its marginal. I think R2R is the last album that captures the older magic of In Flames, mixed with the commercial route they were beginning to take, before STYE obliterated everything.

It could also be nostalgia on my part though, as R2R was one of the first N'Flamez albums I heard, and even though I initially hated it, it certainly was an album I listened to a lot during my early metal days :)
I put Reroute above CC, but its marginal. I think R2R is the last album that captures the older magic of In Flames, mixed with the commercial route they were beginning to take, before STYE obliterated everything.

Reroute is the last thing that comes anything close to old In Flames. Probably cause it was the start of the sound change.
Reroute's melodies and structure were like the old albums.

Come Clarity was very melodic and speedy, but that doesn't mean it sounds the closest to their old stuff.
But in the end, that doesn't really matter, Reroute just has some seriously great tracks and lyrics.

Actually I could say that it ranks close to the top when it comes to the lyrics. Not fucking joking. Anders wrote some great stuff on the album.
The melodies are very charming and enjoyable to listen to. The song structures weren't completely predictable, though more basic than previous album's.
I'm not laughing punk.

I know what it takes to break you, and you know I never sleep...

Also, Clay-Man, I've probably had this discussion with you many times before :D but I don't rate R2R's lyrics that highly. I've always viewed R2R as the start of Anders' lyrical decline.

That's not to say the lyrics were bad on R2R, they weren't. I'm also not saying the lyrics from the previous albums were perfect ("but think as I rape your mother" ? :D calm down Anders) but I do view them as the worst of all the albums up until that point though. They're much shorter and concise (not a bad thing but they're also simpler), which may or may not have been dictated by the mainstream route of the songs. R2R was the first album where vocal melodies really came to the forefront, and as a result the lyrics often have to comform to those melodies which can lead to them being shortened, and otherwise great metaphors being removed.

I'm not saying R2R didn't have any metaphors, either, it just had less, and they weren't as well thought out as the stuff before it. The title track, Minus, Dismiss the Cynics, Black & White & Dark Signs all have some fantastic lyrics. The rest of the songs, less so imo.

Obviously, in comparison to STYE and ASOP they do look like poetic masterpiece, but then so do Britney Spears' lyrics :D I consider Reroute's lyrics good without being great, and I certainly would class all the lyrics before R2R as great.
I was thinking about starting a thread discussing lyrics but I don't know how many people would be interested in it :D