Does anyone think that Crawl Through Knives is the Come Clarity equivalent of Cloud Connected? Not in a musical sense particularly, but just because it's a song with a great POSITIVE chorus? I love listening to this song when I'm in a good mood, which is now incidentally! Life is good at the moment, and listening that chorus is great
On another note, can anyone help me out with another chorus I'm dying to sing along to but can't translate! The Versus Terminus chorus....
As far as I can tell, at the moment I end up singing this, haha:
"See the everything go, and no more things, the life that we know, shift your point of view, you've been warned, this one way ticket is for you"
It's just the "see the everything go, and no more things" bit that I can't figure out....
Also would like to be corrected on another chorus - Infinite Struggle:
"Never comes to out to cut you in, Feeling your life leftovers, I am running to you, you should realise it hurts, it makes out"