Tool won best metal performance....


Apr 14, 2001
They would give it to a bunch of pretentious "artists" wouldnt they? I know a lot of people like Tool, but I think they have their heads stuck up their arse with all their interviews being as follows.

"Its all about the music"
"No man, its about the ART of being all about the music"
"NO, its about the thought of being artistic while being musically free"
"Dont classify our music because we are art and only about that"
"No, id say we are artistically all about the music and musically artistic".
"Good one Maynard".

I know, I know, who cares, its still annoying though :(

Slayer, Slipknot or Sabbath deserved to win it, at least those 3 are metal (dont start the Slipknot argument again, they are close enough ok? :) )
Originally posted by The Trooper
TOOL?!?!?!?!? GET FUCKED!!!!!!! :lol:


Im not saying they are a bad band, a lot of people seem to like them, I just dont understand why.......

Oh screw it, Tool can go to hell ;)
It's bands like Tool that I most despise for being so anti-rock n roll!!!!

Whenever did these bands forget that rock music is called rock music because it is supposed to ROCK?

Why didn't WASP get nominated? Or Megadeth? Or Alice Cooper?
They've all put cool stuff out last year :(
Originally posted by The Trooper
It's bands like Tool that I most despise for being so anti-rock n roll!!!!

DAMN STRAIGHT! Testify Troops! :D They are too "cool" to rock. Wankers.
considering who was nominated im glad Tool won,

who would u rather win Tool, System Of A Down, Slayer and some other band. Considering Slayer suck now, System of a down have always sucked and tool is ok.......
[uncharacteristic use of caps lock]SYSTEM OF A DOWN SHOULD HAVE WON![/uncharacteristic use of caps lock]

They rule. "Toxicity" is sheer brilliance!
Originally posted by Haupassia
Considering Slayer suck now,

[/uncharacteristic use of caps lock]
[/uncharacteristic use of caps lock]

Special thanks to Spiffy for the wonderour caps lock thingo :D

Slipknot or Slayer deserved it! Or, if im feeling generous, SOAD can win it, but NOT f**king Tool! :D

Ok, I know Black Sabbath were in it to, but really, have they released a strong consistent studio album in the last 10 years?
I like Tool alot, but there's something about them that I don't think really qualifies them as metal. They're one of those bands that are pretty stand alone. They're just Tool :)
Originally posted by spawn

[/uncharacteristic use of caps lock]
[/uncharacteristic use of caps lock]

Special thanks to Spiffy for the wonderour caps lock thingo :D

Slipknot or Slayer deserved it! Or, if im feeling generous, SOAD can win it, but NOT f**king Tool! :D

Ok, I know Black Sabbath were in it to, but really, have they released a strong consistent studio album in the last 10 years?

Right on, brother! Sing it!!