Top 10 2000-2009

No order really...

Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Deathevokation - The Chalice of Ages
The Chasm - Conjuration of the Spectral Empire
Warning - Watching from a Distance
Averse Sefira - Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Negură Bunget - 'n Crugu Bradului
Kronos - Colossal Titan Strife
Lord Weird Slough Feg - Down Among The Deadmen
Arghoslent - Incorrigible Bigotry
Pagan Altar - The Lords of Hypocrisy
Not strictly metal:

Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
Devin Townsend - Terria
Devin Townsend - Ki
Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
Iron Maiden - A Matter of Life and Death
Khanate - S/T
Lifelover - Erotik
Warning - Watching From A Distance
Radiohead - Kid A
Instead of analyzing posts over and over, how about you accept the fact that you bitch too much sometimes..sometimes it cracks me up when you hate on a specific band, but sometimes a man needs to relax

I wasn't even complaining about anything you moron. :lol: I rarely even talk about bands that I don't like because I rarely ever listen to bands that I don't like.
I wasn't impressed with Oranssi Pazuzu er however you spell it

Yeah every time Mort tells me a band he listens to is like omg so much better than a band I like quite a bit, I'm unimpressed by said band, and not because of some pre-existing mindset. It's an immature way to listen to music anyway, thinking bands are better than others. They're just different, in my opinion.
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction (2004 remaster)

:notworthy I was waiting for it...and it came. Nice pick.

I have 100s, but some album I need in my bed every night:

random 10 that comes into my brain:

Skyfire - Timeless Departure
Equilibrium - Turis Fratyr
Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery (+Unblessing the Purity)
Edge of Sanity - Crimson II
Cynic - Traced in Air
Dødheimsgard - Supervillain Outcast
Hate - Anaclasis - A Haunting Gospel of Malice & Hatred
Shade Empire - Sinthetic
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction
Anaal Nathrakh - In the Constellation of the Black Widow
Mort thinks Electric Wizard is better than Black Sabbath so I really don't ever bother listening to what he has to say when it comes to music tbqfh.
Mort thinks Electric Wizard is better than Black Sabbath so I really don't ever bother listening to what he has to say when it comes to music tbqfh.


He must not listen to more than ten bands regularly if he has that mindset.

First off, everything by Katatonia, so they are not on the list to give other bands a chance.

Then, I agree with thread so far:
A Forest of Stars-'The Corpse of Rebirth'
Blut Aus Nord-'The Work Which Transforms God'

As well as (still in no order):
Behexen-'By The Blessing of Satan'
Watain-'Casus Luciferi'
Deathspell Omega-'Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice'
Pig Destroyer-'Prowler In The Yard'
Rotting Christ-'Khronos'
The Chasm-'Conjuration of the Spectral Empire'
Gris-'Il Etait Une Foret'
Dead Congregation is certainly a good band, a great band, whatever, but they even more certainly do not sum up the decade or should be included as one of the best albums of the past decade. If anything Deathspell Omega, Sunn 0))), Nadja, Jesu, Earth, Jesu, Leviathan, Peste Noire, and Blut Aus Nord did actually forward thinking things in metal music. Dead Congregation could not have impressed everyone that much. Why does the Wire not have a forum?