Top 5 cds you like so far in early 2005?

Erik said:
Oh yes, forgot this (and I'm surprised noone else has mentioned it either):

Nokturnal Mortum "Weltanschauung"

seriously. this album pwns yer soul.

too drunk to post my top 5 right now as it took me about 10 minutes to type this coherently :Puke:
Judas Priest - Angel Of Retribution
Bruce Dickinson - Tyranny Of Souls
Kreator - Enemy Of God
S.Y.L. - Alien
Infernal Poetry - Beholding The Unpure

Actually I didn't buy so many new releases...Flop of the year: Grave Digger - The Last Supper.
In no particular order:

Iuvenes - Toward Sources Of Honour And Pride
Xerión - Ipar Basoetan/Na Fraga Do Norte
Drudkh - The Swan Road
so far:
Angra- Temple of Shadows
Children of Bodom- Trashed, Lost and Strungout ep
Isis- Oceanic: Remixes/Reinterpretations
James Labrie- Elements of Persuasion
John Petrucci- Suspended Animation
Judas Priest- Angel of Retribution
The Mars Volta- Frances the Mute
Pelican- March into the Sea ep
Soilwork- Stabbing the Drama
Steve Vai- Real Illusions: Reflections

next up:
Russell Allen- Atomic Soul
Meshuggah- Catch 33