Top 5 WORST metal albums of all time....

Keith! said:
Interesting. Why do you consider our country a lying one? Are you Australian?
Yeah, what was that about? Funny because just a few minutes ago I was looking at a list of perceived corruption in different countries. New Zealand is almost at the top (meaning they are not perceived to be very corrupt). I think they were number three. Australia was a little further down, but still doing good. Sweden was somewhere in between the two, I believe. Lol, I forgot what the least corrupt was, but Bangladesh and something else were perceived to be the most corrupt.

And to whoever said Untouchables by Korn wtf! I think it is a damn fine album, their most underrated for sure.
Keltoi said:
Worst metal album?....

Any of Burzum's black metal albums...I know some people idolize this guy, but to me he is simply a talentless prick with horrible production to mask the fact that he is talentless prick.

:lol: :notworthy I agree.
I know we were supposed to not take the easy way out of this but I can't help it - I can't stand power metal at all so I'd take more than a 5 from this genre...

carry on
In Flames - Soundtrack To Your Escape
Yngwie Malmsteen - War To End All Wars
Dream Theater - Falling Into Infinity
Dragonforce - Sonic Firestorm
Children of Bodom - Are You Dead Yet?