Worst metal albums of all time

I can't believe no one mentioned shitty 80s metal like stryper, warrant, cinderella and poison (some of the 80s bands had like 1 or 2 good songs but the rest sucked ass can anyone name a warrant song besides cherry pie off the top of their head? i couldnt.
War_Blade said:
how many albums to korn and slipknot have?

I agree!!!!! But add System of a down, and everything metallica did after the black album. and the world needs a hero by megadeth.
Androz said:
The only Malmsteen album I like is Rising Force, but I agree, this must be the worse

Ptah Khnemu said:
Hey, Marching Out was awesome also.

Yup. I liked the earlier stuff too but, technical talent aside, he seemed to lose the ability to write songs and time went on. There is the odd track or two that I like from the later stuff. Don't get me started on the live stuff - solo over everything then have a real crass overdub that sticks out half a mile when you balls it up. Youch!!

And Metalman - yes, a lot of that 80's stuff did truly stink - all icing and no cake - especially Poison! I will admit to a sneaking respect for Cinderella though, for daring to play the country card when everyone else had gone Sunset Strip on us.
Metalman7983 said:
I can't believe no one mentioned shitty 80s metal like stryper, warrant, cinderella and poison (some of the 80s bands had like 1 or 2 good songs but the rest sucked ass can anyone name a warrant song besides cherry pie off the top of their head? i couldnt.
Well ok, I'll add:
Motley Crue - Girls Girls Girls
The only song I like there is Girls Girls Girls
Warrant and all the even worse 80's glam completely obliterates any nu metal bands. I can't be bothered making a list because it would comprise every nu school rap metal angst album ever made.