Worst metal albums of all time

Taliwakker said:
i can't decide if St Anger or Christ0 is the worst metal album :)
You are screaming for a flame war here :D I don't consider Christ 0 as one of the worst metal albums ever, but I still not like it, it sounds like i've listened to it before
DoomsdayZach said:
Enslaved. Everyone creams themselves over this band and they aren't that good. they say "ooohhh extreme prog!" every song drags on for like an hour and a half and then the next boring ass song starts. gah... fuck enslaved.

Perhaps you should have another listen because you are 100% wrong.
Top ten worst metal albums: how about any ten random black metal albums? Burzum, Mayhem, actually anyone, besides Gorthrymus because he is black-classical-prog-jazz metal. He is also a flamenco master.
DoomsdayZach said:
Please keep in mind that my oppinion is based on Isa and Ruun. I have heard earlier material is better, but both of those albums made my bum hurt with their X-TREME! suckage.

Jesus it must suck to be you.... Enslaved are awesome especially those 2 albums!!
You should listen again!!
Either that or a shotgun blast to the face might knock some taste into you
metal is good, so talking about bad metal albums is like talking about unicorns and lepricons. also people who think that slipknot and korn and other nu-metal bands are metal are wrong. nu-metal isn't metal. you'd never call new coke coke, now would you
Benighted1 said:
Jesus it must suck to be you.... Enslaved are awesome especially those 2 albums!!
You should listen again!!
Either that or a shotgun blast to the face might knock some taste into you
I have to say that out of every cd that i've been sent since startin this reviewing business of mine, those two enslaved records are among the most boring discs i have heard. Sure, there's worse stuff out there, but there is nothing there that is even remotely interesting. The fact that people (such as yourself) are so violently in favor of them being the greatest fucking band in the world is what makes me feel like they are, in fact, the worst. Thank you and good day.