Top Thrash Metal Albums of all time....

1.Metallica "Master Of Puppets"
2.Slayer "Show No Mercy"
3.Megadeth "Rust In Peace"
4.Testament "The Legacy"
5.Venom "Welcome To Hell"(They Played Thrash)
6.Overkill "The Years Of Decay"
7.Anthrax "Among The Living"
8.Sodom "Agent Orange"
9.Nuclear Assault "Survive"
10.Evildead "Annihilation Of Civilization"
Venom, purely musically speaking, played punk influenced heavy/speed metal, not thrash metal, so that doesn't make sense in any stretch.
For the most part they're just very raw NWOBHM/speed, but don't deny the pure thrash of or . A shame the album doesn't have more songs like those two.

EDIT: Is it not possible to post YouTube links here without them becoming embedded videos?
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My Top 5:
1.Slayer - Reign In Blood
2.Metallica-Master of Puppets
3.Megadeth-Rust n Peace
4.Exodus-Bonded By Blood
5.Testament-The Legacy

My next 10:
6.Metallica-Ride The Lightning
7.Slayer-Seasons In The Abyss
8.Metallica-Kill 'Em All
9.Megadeth-Peace Sells
10.Forbidden - Forbidden Evil

11.Anthrax-Among The Living
12.Kreator - Pleasure To Kill
13.Metallica-And Justice For All
14.Slayer-South of Heaven
15.Flotsam & Jetsam-Doomsday For The Deceiver
16.Megadeth-COuntdown To Extinction

Thats enough, gotta go to work. Great topic!

It seems to be chic not to pick the ones consideed most popular but early Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth are IMO far and away the best Thrash ever made. If Venom were considered Thrash, Id have Black Metal in there too.

Ride The Lightning > Master of Puppets

Peace Sells > Rust In Peace

I like the Countdown to Extinction pick. Perhaps not a top thrash album of all time, but I think it's underrated.
My Top 5:
1.Slayer - Reign In Blood
2.Metallica-Master of Puppets
3.Megadeth-Rust n Peace
4.Exodus-Bonded By Blood
5.Testament-The Legacy

My next 10:
6.Metallica-Ride The Lightning
7.Slayer-Seasons In The Abyss
8.Metallica-Kill 'Em All
9.Megadeth-Peace Sells
10.Forbidden - Forbidden Evil

11.Anthrax-Among The Living
12.Kreator - Pleasure To Kill
13.Metallica-And Justice For All
14.Slayer-South of Heaven
15.Flotsam & Jetsam-Doomsday For The Deceiver
16.Megadeth-COuntdown To Extinction

Thats enough, gotta go to work. Great topic!

It seems to be chic not to pick the ones consideed most popular but early Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth are IMO far and away the best Thrash ever made. If Venom were considered Thrash, Id have Black Metal in there too.

Only one German album out of 16? You gotta hear some more from ze Germans.
1. Slayer - Hell Awaits
* Exodus - Bonded By Blood
* Holy Terror - Mind Wars
* Turbo - Last Warrior
* Artillery - Terror Squad
* Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
* Sadus - Swallowed in Black
* Sodom - In the Sign of Evil
* Onslaught - The Force
* Destruction - Infernal Overkill
* Heathen - Breaking the Silence

I hate making lists, I always forget really obvious shit.
imo Fear of Tomorrow is slightly better than Terror Squad (only a little) and Kreator - PTK/EP/COS would be on there in place of Sadus or something but overall, yeah, pretty much.