Torpedo PI-101 : cab/mic/miking sim plugin


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
Since it's been introduced at NAMM 2011 and release date is approaching (Feb 2011) :

Basically it's the plugin version of the Torpedo VB-101.

"Do you have a guitar preamp or amp? Do you want to take the best out of it while recording? You will love the Torpedo PI-101 plugin.

The Torpedo PI-101 is a hi end channel strip plugin for your guitar amp / preamp.
It features 3 different sections : power amp with 8 different power amp topologies, “Miking” with more than 30 cabs and 8 studio-standard and last but not least, Post FX featuring Low cut filter, 5-band EQ, exciter and compressor.

Of course, the PI-101 plugin features the unique Torpedo algorithm originally found on our critically acclaimed VB-101 unit, that allows you to virtually move the microphone in front of the speaker cabinet (as you would in a real recording room) and to simulate the sound of a hard driven speaker.

If you already have a favorite speaker cab and microphone, you can measure them thanks to our Torpedo Capture software that will take care of all the processing and will output a TUR file for you to import into the Torpedo PI-101 to instantly find your sound without having to setup the big pile of gear.

Note that the PI-101 is also compatible with third party IR libraries.

Key features

Power amp simulation with 4 types of tube (EL84, EL34, 6L6 an KT88) in 2 different modes (single ended or A class and push pull or AB class).

Miking section : More than 30 guitar and bass cabs : different types of 1x10”, 1x12”, 2x10”, 2x12”, 4x12”, 8x10”, 1x15”, etc ...
8 studio standard microphones : different types of dynamic, condenser and ribbon mics carefully selected
Advanced algorithm based on convolution processing

Post FX section to shape your sound, including : lo-cut, 5 band EQ, Exciter and compressor

Ultra low latency processing
Load TUR files (generated by our Torpedo Capture software)
Load wav or aif impulse response files
Customize the GUI to show only the tools you use.

Follow us on Facebook to be informed on future updates and product availability :


More info on :

A FULL (all cabs/all mics) 15-days-TRIAL version is planned.

For now there is also a FREE version available, with just one cab/one mic :

EDIT 20120324 : awesome video demonstrations of the PI-101 WOS endless miking features :

EDIT 20120910 : Nice bedroom metal thingie with the PI-101 WOS here :

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Djab I think you are the only person on this forum that gives a shit about this thing.
Are you sure you're not paid by this company? Seriously, you're the ONLY one who posts about it, and you do so a lot... almost annoyingly so. The tones are always terrible, too.

Yeah I'm sure.

As i said, i think it's a cool product, and i want to hear what others could with it.

And i always post in some specific threads, not all over the place, so i don't force anyone to check them out you know. Still if someone is interested (a couple of people are), they can still find the info easily.

Also, if i post a rate my tone mix clip, it's not as a "check out my torpedo tone" kind of thing, but more like "this is my tone, and i happen to use this gear, tell me what you think of the tone (regardless of the gear i use)".
Tried the free version, it's buggy and very CPU heavy. However, I did manage to get some nice hard rock tones using X30 and LeGion. I'd like to demo the full pimped out version to hear what it's capable of but unfortunately it's not available for demo'ing.
Just tested the free version: i think its good? Really. getting some really usable tones out of this thing.... but mono? that suxx or im just too stupid.
Yeah...i know, but i´m using LeCto on a stereo that actually sucks.