Unless more local support is on the bill that I like, I couldn't give a shit.
It blew up on facebook. I think the website is just the fest name.
So I've been chipping away at Motorhead's discography since Lemmy's death and man, I've been missing out for so long.
I purchased saturday tickets already.
So, anyone have good recs on epic heavy metal? I'm talking no goof allowed, so no songs about metal, girls, beer drinking, motorcycles, etc in the mix (like for example Manowar or Manilla Road). It should be 100% LOTR-style (not literally) I'm thinking along the lines of Atlantean Kodex, Quicksand Dream, Solstice, etc. Doom/Power mixes is ofcourse allowed.
Edit: The atmosphere is important, random standard NWOBHMish band with fantasy lyrics are not enough.