Traditional Metal

I purchased saturday tickets already. Honestly, if friday sells out I wouldn't be too upset with just checking out the city. I've never been to California so a day exploring would be ok with me. But then again, I want to see Slough Feg really bad. Scalzi is a fucking loon on stage.

As far as flights, I'm waiting to get my student loans in then I'm going to see what I can find. I found some red eyes from Chicago to LAX for only $250 round trip. I planned on buying a bass amp and tattoo with that money but I may just say fuck that and get this flight booked. As far as staying, I talked to KafkaX and he said he might have a place for me to crash. I also know other friends from Canada coming down and were looking to share a room.
Yeah, i'm not going to buy plane tickets for a little bit. Not sure where i'll be in October. I haven't seen Kafka on here in awhile but if he hooks you up ill sweet talk him into allowing me too <3
If not him I have some Canadian friends who invited me to share a room. I'm not really going to worry about lodging until probably the summer but a free place/cheap shared room would be ideal since I have no idea what I"m going to be doing this summer for work. I should have my MA by then so any job I can find that will pay be a decent living wage and perhaps benefits I'm going to take.

I just want to make some money finally...tired of this 12K a year shit.
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So I've been chipping away at Motorhead's discography since Lemmy's death and man, I've been missing out for so long.

We agree on something! So many gems in the back catalog. I have the opinion that the later stuff is better than the earlier stuff, but Overkill is badass..
They seemed to really reemerge hard and heavy in the 2000s. Their output from the 90s is the weakest I've heard so far but hearing Ozzy and Lemmy do a duet was admittedly pretty cool.

Cool thing about it is that most of their albums are sub$10 on Amazon right now. I think I've bought 8 so far, quite a bit to go.
So, anyone have good recs on epic heavy metal? I'm talking no goof allowed, so no songs about metal, girls, beer drinking, motorcycles, etc in the mix (like for example Manowar or Manilla Road). It should be 100% LOTR-style (not literally) I'm thinking along the lines of Atlantean Kodex, Quicksand Dream, Solstice, etc. Doom/Power mixes is ofcourse allowed.

Edit: The atmosphere is important, random standard NWOBHMish band with fantasy lyrics are not enough.
Thanks for the recs! I have heard OF all bands mentioned I think except a few rms mentioned. I haven't listened to or given all of them a chance though. Doomsword and Isen Torr are textbook examples of what I'm looking for really. Gatekeeper is another band that's pretty good.

Wrathblade while good is more along the lines of heavy metal with fantasy-lyrics I think. I don't get the whole epic vibe too strongly, atleast not in the doses I'm thinking of here.
Altar of Oblivion is also really really good, but abit short on the adventure-feel for what I'm looking for.

Will check out the rest, thanks!
So, anyone have good recs on epic heavy metal? I'm talking no goof allowed, so no songs about metal, girls, beer drinking, motorcycles, etc in the mix (like for example Manowar or Manilla Road). It should be 100% LOTR-style (not literally) I'm thinking along the lines of Atlantean Kodex, Quicksand Dream, Solstice, etc. Doom/Power mixes is ofcourse allowed.

Edit: The atmosphere is important, random standard NWOBHMish band with fantasy lyrics are not enough.

, I could mention more but I'd rather lessen the chance that you skim my recommendations by naming just one.
I've own the first two Realmbuilder-albums already but I can't wrap my head around if I like them or not. How is the newest? It has better reviews on M-A atleast.
You won't get a balanced opinion on that band from me, hahaha.

But in that case, I'll recommend Ironsword and While Heaven Wept, also if you're okay with downloading I recommend Legend's From The Fjords.
While Heaven wept is really good, especially Vast Oceans Lachrymose, exactly the stuff I'm looking for. I checked out Ironsword now and I liked it quite a bit, but jesus christ can they sound more like Manilla Road even if they tried?
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