Traditional Metal

So I've been on the very low end of buying music the last couple of years (having a kid does that). I feel like correcting this and as I'm on a epic/true metal kick want to expand that part of my collection. What are your go to distros for this? I've searched abit and checked some I usually use but I'm not totally sold. I'm both looking for older classics and newer bands.
All man, I just trust my instincts and buy... Y'know the labels. The thing is nowadays it's all tribute bands/releases just depends whether it hits the spot or not.
Sometimes though,well most of the time I really doubt whether ppl on here actually buy albums at all, fuckng dogs.
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I usually respect High Roller and Buried By Time and Dust blindly. Bandcamp is the shit though, fuck shipping and waiting!
Is the latest Manilla Road albums worth checking out? I've got up to Voyager but kinda not liked it that much and been content with their earlier releases, but they've released quite a few albums since then and wondering if I'm missing out?

The same question about newer Helstar (I've heard up to and including Nosferatu). Their newer stuff has really off putting album art which make me convinced the music will be totally forgettable but maybe my intuition is wrong?
It probably does but is it even worth checking out or will it be like listening to another cavernous death metal album rehearshing itself over and over? I mean is there a reason not to just put on Spiral Castle instead?
Depends. If you're after 100% original music or music that is progressing in sound quite noticeably, I'm probably the worst person to listen to. I think it's reasonably updated in sound, but updated for me and updated for you could be worlds apart.
Blessed Curse is cool, not sure you should go out of your way to listen to Mysterium or Playground..but good for 'Road junkies
Yeah, I wouldn't go out of your way to check them out unless you are a fucking nerdboy like me but they do have their shining moments. "Tomes of Clay" is an amazing song off of their new album and the acoustic songs on Mysterium and Blessed Curse are wonderful.