Traditional Metal

Bet that asshole is from Sweden. Mystified by the exclusion of Graveyard's debut.

Shit that isnt all that interesting on that list...
Lethal Steel
Black Trip (I thought this fucking sucked)
Dead Lord

Havent heard Malediction, Helvetits Port, and The Dagger. Dont have any desire to after reading that.
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Probably because Prof Black did so many albums in a short period of time and his voice isnt that great to begin with.
lethal steel's album was the best of 2016 IMO, it's fairly simple but totally magical in a way so few trad albums are these days.

he's greek btw lol
Yes they are good but not retro and too good for most of that list



My bad.
What is it anyway that defines "retro"?
Because Ironsword defenintely worship Manilla Road, but do they not count because they started in the 1990's?
I dont think Haunt's out yet is it? I felt a little disappointed in Robespierre - Garden of Hell. I need to try it again but I felt like they went sooo lo-fi trying to give it an old sound that they made it sound hollow.
The entire album is pretty good. I'd better stop being lazy and actually write up a half-decent review of the promo version that I received.
East of Sun is pretty good. It's going to be compared to Visigoth and Eternal Champion even though Gatekeeper is much more competent musically and they have a wider array of influences and more varied songs than either of those bands. Songs like "Ninefold Muse" and "Bell of Tarantia" are way more thoughtful than most new trad metal.

I feel like some people here stupidly judged the very straightforward single that the band put out first and assumed the album would all sound exactly like that song. I forget who, but someone also said it sounded like a ripoff of some obscure Euro power metal band.