UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

I just got the phone number of a really attractive girl, I'd say easily a 8-9/10. I have gotten 2 #'s this week, I will call them both on thursday and see how it goes. If it doesn't workout, I'll try to find some more decent looking girls on friday/saturday that are interesting to me.

There was this really cute (in an unconventional way) teacher in my (office) job today who really seemed like she was interested in me. Smiled at least 6 or 7 times at me, tried to talk to me when I wasn't talking to her, told me to help her with easy shit that she should be able to do herself, etc... basically anything to get my attention :lol:

I wonder how old she is, she can't be over 21 or 22 considering how young she looked.

anyways I am finally starting to put in alot more work into this dating thing, I should be able to achieve much more success than years past.
My problem is Im extremely uncompromisng and honest when it comes to my musical taste. I'll ask a girl, what she listens to, and the usual reply is "oh, anything but country" or "mostly hip hop" or "anything but metal, it gives me a headache", and my reply is "I like death and black metal and shit like that". I have met a few girls that like metal, but usually they like certain bands just because the singer is "hot".

yeah sadly that usually is the case. I've pretty much gave up on the idea of finding a "metal girlfriend", cause its just not going to happen unless I move away. but I usually try to avoid girls into "pop-rap". it sucks, so get away from me you greasy cunt!
The last guy I dated claimed to be a metalhead. Our first date I knew every "unknown" band he was talking about. Second date I handed him 4 cd's of mixed music and told him to study for our next date. He was floored at what I handed him and promptly went out and spent $200 on CD's...

It's VERY hard to find someone into metal music as much as I am, even half as much would be great as it's the second most important thing in my life.

The only thing that sucks now about being single though is not having someone to go to shows with on a regular basis.

I'd love to be able to find a guy who shares my love of music and who is able to teach me a few things in it as well.

But so far, almost every guy I've talked to, I've schooled the hell out of them. *sigh* After a while, it gets tiring always being the teacher.

I just got the phone number of a really attractive girl, I'd say easily a 8-9/10. I have gotten 2 #'s this week, I will call them both on thursday and see how it goes. If it doesn't workout, I'll try to find some more decent looking girls on friday/saturday that are interesting to me.

There was this really cute (in an unconventional way) teacher in my (office) job today who really seemed like she was interested in me. Smiled at least 6 or 7 times at me, tried to talk to me when I wasn't talking to her, told me to help her with easy shit that she should be able to do herself, etc... basically anything to get my attention :lol:

I wonder how old she is, she can't be over 21 or 22 considering how young she looked.

anyways I am finally starting to put in alot more work into this dating thing, I should be able to achieve much more success than years past.
Oh dear Jesus...