UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

I don't think it's metal itself that would hold back. It's just that alot of metalheads have some...problems...

Indeed. The side effects of metal are the most problematic; most girls I know would never date anyone who looks like a stereotypical metalhead, or anyone with long hair for that matter. The generally hateful and spiteful attitude doesn't really help either.

Being into metal has helped my dating life, or rather, it's increased the number of people who try to date me.
most girls I know would never date anyone who looks like a stereotypical metalhead, or anyone with long hair for that matter.

Yeah, understood. It's an "aquired" taste. Although, I personally prefer dating men with long hair. It's so much more pleasing on so many different levels.

Hell Awaits Us said:
I wonder how old she is, she can't be over 21 or 22 considering how young she looked.

You'd be suprised. Most people peg my age at about 20-23 - they freak when I tell them I have a child that's almost 9. When they find out my age, most of them are very suprised that I'll be 29 in a couple of months. I've even had to show some people I've dated my Drivers license so they'd believe my age.

It doesn't affect my dating life at all. I have no problem getting girls.

I have death metal going on in my myspace profile, and list tons of kvlt bands. Yet, I still get at least one woman emailing me every day looking for a date. I actually got a record 7 inquiries in one day yestery.

A girl I dated last summer thought it was cool that I was so into metal, though she didn't listen to metal herself. But I broke it off with her, since she wasn't hot enough.

I've actually dated a quite religious chick before.

What would you do if there were a supermodel hot chick that was interested in you, and she was all after you, but she didn't like the fact that you are non-religious? And you get the sense she would only become your girlfriend if you became religious?

Now that would be a dilemma.

I'm not desperate, either. If I were, that I would take any chick that shows any interest in me, even if she wasn't any good. In fact, I broke it off with a chick I had been dating last fall since she wasn't good enough to be consuming so much of my precious time. I'm enjoying being single and hooking up with random chicks MUCH more.

I never played my music for any of the cnicks I've dated. In addition to white chicks, I've dated black, Asian, and hispanic chicks, and metal would have probably gone over even worse with them than with the white chicks I dated.

I just found out that I have to call another girl today, as I am more than likely going on a date tonight. I wound up never calling the last girl I had to call.:( So it looks like being a metalhead isn't really affecting my dating life much at the moment, but then again, it's not like I'm wearing Darkthrone shirts in my pics (and I have a feeling, the chicks would still be interested if I was).

I have two different girls I need to call this weekend. Looks like being into black metal doesn't hold me back.

For some reason, I attract women, and I think that part of it at least is my uniqueness, of which being a metalhead is a big part.

I wish Life Sucks would come back. He was the coolest. He could totally get girls.
I think my mental health has past the point of no return. As for listening to metal, well it means chavy girls would be put off.
Pick up a ditzy bitch at a dance club. Take her home, playing latest pop hits on your car stereo the whole way. Bring her up to your place, turn out the lights, put on candles, and blast some Pathology or Beastcraft. Watch her reactions, fap to the memory of her cries of horror later.
it hasn't, at all
i personally have never met a girl where the guy's taste in music was really a dealbreaker

the girls that i see face-to-face really don't give a shit what the hell type of music a potential boyfriend listens to

it's really just the girls online that get into music-taste-arguments with males
Pick up a ditzy bitch at a dance club. Take her home, playing latest pop hits on your car stereo the whole way. Bring her up to your place, turn out the lights, put on candles, and blast some Pathology or Beastcraft. Watch her reactions, fap to the memory of her cries of horror later.


"I don't wanna diiiiiiiiie"
I remember when I was playing The Oath by Mercyful Fate and some quite chavy (wigger) girl asked me if some kind of ceremony was being performed, during the intro.
Pick up a ditzy bitch at a dance club. Take her home, playing latest pop hits on your car stereo the whole way. Bring her up to your place, turn out the lights, put on candles, and blast some Pathology or Beastcraft. Watch her reactions, fap to the memory of her cries of horror later.


"I don't wanna diiiiiiiiie"

I remember when I was playing The Oath by Mercyful Fate and some quite chavy (wigger) girl asked me if some kind of ceremony was being performed, during the intro.

:lol: :lol: