VA pride

I wish McCain was a bit younger...or, hope he goes with a good VP.
I've been in his cell in Hanoi, and anyone that can handle 5 years in that cold 2 tone (gray/black) cell, with a slanted bench so you have to sleep with your head downward, and comes out and goes into a good career; gets my respect...but not yet my vote.
I just worry Obama will wet his pants when it's time to strike China and Co.
The main point: NO F'n CUNT and Mr. Bill will be whoring out the country again.
Yeah, Paul seems cool, he also doesn't look like he is about to suffer from a heart attack and doesn't look like he is gonna die of old age like most of the other candidates. From what I heard about Paul, I like, and he has my vote March 4th in Texas
I want a president who wields Science with an iron fist! SCIENCE WILL RAIN DOWN FROM THE HEAVENS


Edited: nevermind.

Yeah, Paul seems cool, he also doesn't look like he is about to suffer from a heart attack and doesn't look like he is gonna die of old age like most of the other candidates. From what I heard about Paul, I like, and he has my vote March 4th in Texas

What other candidates are you talking about? Paul is the oldest candidate at 72, beating McCain by a year.
The part that saddens me is that on the chance that Obama does end up beating McCain (And yes, I am convinced it will be Obama Vs. McCain at this point), the ideal of change that he is pitching will never be accepted by the other 534 people who take part in the decision making process of the country. He'll pitch it, it won't go through. These people have their system in mind, and they will stick to it till they day they die. And then after that, more people with their process of thought will replace them.

It's a good step, but the only step that will help at this point is getting more new blood into some control.

Or complete reform of our extremely outdated government system. I don't think that a population of 300,000,000 was even remotely imagined by our forefathers, whom when they implemented our system had a population of about 3,000,000.
Obama's not really out for as much radical change as people are saying he is. Actually... most people are completely talking out of their ass on the subject. Also, a lot of his changes, are those proposed by other candidates (Nationalized Healthcare).

Anyway, the 2 biggest things he brings up:

-Reforming the US Economic system for modern times.
-Nationalized Health care

He's quite vague on this subject. Actually, he is extremely vague on EVERYTHING. More or less he's spouting bullshit playing on the "I'm gonna do everything the opposite of Bush, vote for me. Oh, and I'm a brother".


Honestly, the only reason I'm supporting him at the moment is in hopes for a Dead reunion tour for him.
Pretty much.

Have to give Huckabee some credit though. Motherfucker had shit layed out for you to see. If he had a chance in hell of gaining ground on McCain I'd vote for him just for that.