VCC Released

I contacted the Slate support and it said me that the VCC demo requires the if you have a traditional ilok the demo gives you an error (as happened to me)
ill try to do a more fair comparison today :) But i gained up the guitars with 6db after i bypassed VCC but i know what ya mean!

is it just me or is the clip you posted super smashed? i'm trying to determine if my ears are super fucked today or not! they've been being weird, but IDK. =D
Guys, if you have the beta plugins in an important mix.. finish the mix first before installing any new software!

Also, you'll need ilok2 for VCC demo.

And we'll have an update Tuesday or Wednesday that fixes many of the initial out of the gate bugs.

I hope many of you can take advantage of the new ilok2 and get this rocking on your mixes. I can't wait for you guys to hear the Lynch record.. my first ITB album mix EVER.. and it sounds amazing. VCC all over it.

- This release is only for Intel Mac

This version also works with Windows 32 bit, if that helps. I read that and asked about it on gearslutz and this is the answer I got.

Originally Posted by Slate Press View Post
Hey guys.. the current release supports all formats (mac vst, rtas, au) and wi vst. The only format not in the current release is win rtas.

Bets users can log in to the users area to download.. make sure to transfer your vcc license on to your new ilok first!

The demo is now up too.

64bit, ppc, and win rtas are expected in about 30 days.

OK Thanks! I guess I was a little confused by this statement "- This release is only for Intel Mac. We will have PPC versions which will work on both the ilok2 OR ilok1 in approximately 30 DAYS."
I remember some promises that FG-X/Trigger owners will get a 50$ discount from final product. Not the case any more?
Ermz said:
The bus compressor was one of my fave things about FG-X. If you mix with very heavy bus compression like I do though it's a little less useful.

What about the vcc one have you tried it yet? Which do you use now duende?