Me: Also why should Humans be the only species to stop eating meat?
"Because we're the ones doing the cruel killing"
Me: Regarding animal Cruelty, that is down to the person doing the cruel act just like a raper or murderer...not the person eating the meat. I don't think me eating the meat encourages the killer/butcher to act any more violently than if I didn't eat it.
I disagree with that one.
Most people eat more meat than they really need, due to meat-eating culture and advertising, and being disconnected from what it takes to have that piece of meat in your plate (i.e they buy meat like they buy bread or newspapers (i.e like a product), and don't see the slaughterhouse part anymore...). This makes the meat industry get more industrial/intensive, which results in terrible cattle living conditions (crammed in tiny spaces, being force-fed with hormones and other stuff...) and huge pollution (soil pollution) and waste (so much food/raw food/resources needed to produce meat).
So in a way, people buying tons of meat at the supermarket is what keeps the meat industry very industrial/intensive, with all the horrible stuff that comes with it, so it makes sense to consider buying less meat, or at least, less "industrial" meat.
EDIT : to sum it up : you're not the murderer, but buying this meat you "order" the murder.
Sorry if somebody adressed this already, i'm reading the thread little by little, during my breaks at work
Great thread by the way. Been making steps towards vegetarianism in the past few months, and still learning.