
The veggie and bean burgers at nando's are actually quite nice! And those veggie thai buffet places.. They're called like "Thai Buffet" or something.. but don't mention it in the name, and the number of times i've seen people fooled by them, because all the stuff there looks like real meat! And people will always be like "this isn't meat, are you sure, no way etc etc"
The veggie and bean burgers at nando's are actually quite nice! And those veggie thai buffet places.. They're called like "Thai Buffet" or something.. but don't mention it in the name, and the number of times i've seen people fooled by them, because all the stuff there looks like real meat! And people will always be like "this isn't meat, are you sure, no way etc etc"

yes! I was at a Thai place in London somewhere a few years back and remember it went something like this:
Me: "what are you selling that's vegan?"
Thai: "everything"
Me (looking around at the food): "ok, so what of this is without meat or dairy products?"
Thai: "everything"
Me (taking a closer look): ok, so this REALLY is all vegan?!
Thai: yes!

Holy cow, that stuff was good!
yes! I was at a Thai place in London somewhere a few years back and remember it went something like this:
Me: "what are you selling that's vegan?"
Thai: "everything"
Me (looking around at the food): "ok, so what of this is without meat or dairy products?"
Thai: "everything"
Me (taking a closer look): ok, so this REALLY is all vegan?!
Thai: yes!

Holy cow, that stuff was good!
Haha, was it the place in Camden or Angel.. I always go to them before shows! Good stuff they have.
you wanna talk about a good science study - i take my friend to the red bamboo which is this awesome veg restaurant in greenwich village and we have the famous vegan buffalo wings there. he falls in love, so he takes an extra order for his brother who loves wings.

the next day he's like my brother loved it and i didn't tell him it wasn't meat. so he finally told him it wasn't meat and his brother didn't believe him. so he's like we'll goto the restaurant. his brother goes there and doesn't like it once he finds about it's not really meat. talk about psych.
yes! I was at a Thai place in London somewhere a few years back and remember it went something like this:
Me: "what are you selling that's vegan?"
Thai: "everything"
Me (looking around at the food): "ok, so what of this is without meat or dairy products?"
Thai: "everything"
Me (taking a closer look): ok, so this REALLY is all vegan?!
Thai: yes!

Holy cow, that stuff was good!

If you ever happen to visit Munich, make sure to check out a place called "Au Lac". It's a vegan vietnamese restaurant. Their regular starter-soup is fantastic (well, so is nearly everything they have).
you wanna talk about a good science study - i take my friend to the red bamboo which is this awesome veg restaurant in greenwich village and we have the famous vegan buffalo wings there. he falls in love, so he takes an extra order for his brother who loves wings.

the next day he's like my brother loved it and i didn't tell him it wasn't meat. so he finally told him it wasn't meat and his brother didn't believe him. so he's like we'll goto the restaurant. his brother goes there and doesn't like it once he finds about it's not really meat. talk about psych.

I checked the menu and that place sounds fricken awesome. :Smokin:
I checked the menu and that place sounds fricken awesome. :Smokin:

everyone i've taken there raves. even hardcore carnoviroes lol. the chicken parm is good too.

with a lot of this fake meat you can't really notice it's not meat if it's a dish that relies on a lot of sauce and stuff. it gets lost in the taste. there is also the sister restaurant 2 doors down called "vegetarian paradise 2" which is just as good, has more of an oriental menu a lot of chinese, thai, japanese dishes just all veg. fake kung pao chicken ftw!
everyone i've taken there raves. even hardcore carnoviroes lol. the chicken parm is good too.

with a lot of this fake meat you can't really notice it's not meat if it's a dish that relies on a lot of sauce and stuff. it gets lost in the taste. there is also the sister restaurant 2 doors down called "vegetarian paradise 2" which is just as good, has more of an oriental menu a lot of chinese, thai, japanese dishes just all veg. fake kung pao chicken ftw!

I'm a hardcore carnivore, but shit, if it's good it's good. I used to eat a lot of Seitan, so I know all about the fake meat and how it tastes legit 90% of the time.
Weird sauces FTW.

Seitan is a "meat-substitute". It's similar in texture and with the right spicery you can make it even taste similar.
It's basically pure gluten, so it's nothing for allergic persons *HAHA* :D
It's often called wheat-meat. It's high in proteins and low in carbs and fat (basically non-fat), so it's well-known to carnivore-athletes as well.

I made seitan-roulades yesterday. Filled with spinach and mushrooms. Tasted delicious with dumplings and red cabbage.

Ok...I had to bring this thread back up because I finally brought myself to watching Earthlings...or the first 20 minutes of it before I couldn't watch anymore.
My idea of eating meat completely shifted (as blatantly as waking up from the matrix) and I don't think I can eat meat again.
I mean this not in a way where it's like "I think I'll try be vegetarian today" and still crave meat when I walk past my favorite restaurant or see how goos that steak looks. I think it equates to someone handing me a plate of shit and glass of piss and telling me to eat/drink it.

Seriously, if you enjoy meat, don't watch the documentary. (Or maybe you should and realise what you're doing) <---lol never thought I'd sound like that ever.