Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

What got bad reviews? Resistance? It's awesome. It seems like they took bits and pieces from a lot of different games and I enjoy it quite a bit. I'm easily entertained though, so who knows.
my bro bought a ps3 last friday... and for christmas I bought him fight night 3. Yeah, you wish I was your brother.
haha Monty Python + Halo. some of you may have seen this but it's new to me.

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Same here.

Considering where graphics are today though, just imagine the next set of consoles. It's scary.
hell, might as well get your own slave and force him to do stuff, like running around a city with a gun shooting at "zombies"

The sad part is that you can't just hit "try again" when he dies :lol:

Unless you get another slave... that is....
I kinda regret getting the Xbox 360. The graphics don't even come close to PS3, but I'm sure once Halo 3 comes out I'll be happy about getting the Xbox. I would suggest getting Killzone 2 for PS3, I had the first Killzone for PS2 and I can rightly say I was addicted to it for awhile, also I hear the graphics and gameplay are going to superb.