Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

What got bad reviews? Resistance? It's awesome. It seems like they took bits and pieces from a lot of different games and I enjoy it quite a bit. I'm easily entertained though, so who knows.
my bro bought a ps3 last friday... and for christmas I bought him fight night 3. Yeah, you wish I was your brother.
haha Monty Python + Halo. some of you may have seen this but it's new to me.

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hell, might as well get your own slave and force him to do stuff, like running around a city with a gun shooting at "zombies"

The sad part is that you can't just hit "try again" when he dies :lol:

Unless you get another slave... that is....
I kinda regret getting the Xbox 360. The graphics don't even come close to PS3, but I'm sure once Halo 3 comes out I'll be happy about getting the Xbox. I would suggest getting Killzone 2 for PS3, I had the first Killzone for PS2 and I can rightly say I was addicted to it for awhile, also I hear the graphics and gameplay are going to superb.