Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

That's obviously what the story and replay value of the game is all about. And it has a great bearing on the reason it received critical acclaim.

Oblivion was not brown. It had lush environments.

Stop making me late for work asshole.
Yes it is. It retains alot of what made the other games great. Your problem is that it says Bethesda on the box and not Black Isle. I seriously don't understand people. This is a wonderful game. If you don't believe so, then go play the original. That's what its there for.

I got bored halfway through both games and never finished them. Great sandbox, boring game.

And dude, critical acclaim? You mean sites like bribedspot and bullshitspy? W00.
Pshhh....Dirty Chemist has been played on several internet radio stations and REQUESTED by listeners. I can't help it that a few elitist uppity douches don't like it.

*gasp* really? REQUESTED you say!? oh that changes everything! you're not at all an obnoxious troll who continues to post asinine comments oblivious to the fact that--nobody fucking cares what you say--cliff burton could rise from the dead and proclaim your band the sum of mankind's artistic aspirations and we would still think it sucks ass. seriously, find another hobby.
Anyone else starting to think this is one of Jerry's joke accounts? He hasn't been posting here much lately, unless it's a drunken rant.
*gasp* really? REQUESTED you say!? oh that changes everything! you're not at all an obnoxious troll who continues to post asinine comments oblivious to the fact that--nobody fucking cares what you say--cliff burton could rise from the dead and proclaim your band the sum of mankind's artistic aspirations and we would still think it sucks ass. seriously, find another hobby.

for real
one thing to say here: Morrowind was a pretty fucking fun game! Oblivion was all flash and no substance, not much of a followup, but a decent way to kill a good number of hours. some of the side quest lines and stuff were alright.
I liked oblivion, but the whole same gate 56557 times got a abit old... All in all a good game though! Also not sure about the level system, got some pros and lots of cons, but works fine unless exploited.
Also: games don't get worse as they get old, and graphics are among theleast important features of a game.
*gasp* really? REQUESTED you say!? oh that changes everything! you're not at all an obnoxious troll who continues to post asinine comments oblivious to the fact that--nobody fucking cares what you say--cliff burton could rise from the dead and proclaim your band the sum of mankind's artistic aspirations and we would still think it sucks ass. seriously, find another hobby.

Everyone quick! Come to the rescue!
How in the shit am I a troll? I posted in a video game thread about what? Video games douche.

Fuck Cliff Burton and Metallica. Most overrated piece of shit band ever.

Once AGAIN! I don't give a shit what some asshole thinks on a forum. I posted it originally to be trashed. Most arguments that we suck stem from something useful. Yours never did. All you have ever said is "gtfoorc". Check your ego and remember that no one in real life really loves you. Sigmund Freud would beat the shit out of you. This forum is not yours. Must be some kind of mother issues as a child.
Also: games don't get worse as they get old, and graphics are among theleast important features of a game.

Way too much emphasis on graphics these days. I was watching E3 when they released the 360. They introduced a few games and that's all they spoke about. I wanted to know if the game was gonna be good or not. Jeez.
Everyone quick! Come to the rescue!
How in the shit am I a troll? I posted in a video game thread about what? Video games douche. This forum is not yours.

1. You're a troll because:
a: nobody wants you here
b: the second somebody disagrees with you, you start a fight/arguement/insult fest
2. The forum does in a sense belong to us, through an osmosis like carryover from our Mt.Sinai pooping leader.
there's a million trillion things to do but none of them are fun

I agree with this. Fallout 3 seems a lot like Grand Theft Auto IV in the sense that I play the game a lot waiting for the really fun missions/quests but they just never happen. The only thing from GTA IV that I remember being a lot of fun was the mission where you rob the bank. Fallout 3 just hasn't had a special quest yet and I already played half of the main quest and finished about half of the side quests.
I've been playing Devil May Cry 3 on my PS2 for the past few hours. I picked it up for $2 at this used games place nearby. It's the first time I've played anything from this series and I must say I am liking it a little. Guns that never run out of ammo are > guns that do. :lol:
Empire Total War is pretty fucking grand, but I think I'm done for now until there is an equivalent to the Stainless Steel mod for Med2TW.

GOing to pass my time with heavily modded Stalker Clear Sky. *disappears to shoot neurotica's radioactive mutant dog while drunk on vodka(anti-radiation meds)*
I've been playing Devil May Cry 3 on my PS2 for the past few hours. I picked it up for $2 at this used games place nearby. It's the first time I've played anything from this series and I must say I am liking it a little. Guns that never run out of ammo are > guns that do. :lol:

I don't like that tone buddy.