Video Game Thread (Officially Unofficial)

If you have a newer model like the Falcon motherboard or the Valhalla/Opus, you should be fine for the most part. Those bought in mid 08 and beyond should be fine. At least the risk of it happening is minimal. There are guides to spot which model you have.
Even the mid 08 - recent models have problems. The e74 reports are starting to come out like wildfire. E-74 is basically the same problem as the RRoD, except they replaced it with a message. :lol:

For people like me, who alter the shit outta their systems and void the warranty (fuck you, I like burning/booting pirated games from a debian installation on the console itself), that leaves the towel trick (wrap it in a towel, run it for a while overheating it, and confuse a couple sensors that force that error). Other than the 360 I bricked myself (little too much fucking around there), I've had no problems yet. Think half the problem is A) ventilation, and B) The fact that the DVD drive runs so fucking hot the rest of the components, more specifically the CPU heatsink which causes RRoD/E74, can't handle it. That and the DVD drive I'm using is a "replacement" with "spoofed firmware". Which ever designer decided "hey, i think it's going to be a good idea to stick this constantly running extreme heat generator RIGHT NEXT TO this very touchy CPU and Heatsink. That definitely won't have problems."

This, of course, is because everyone whined about the Xbox1 being too big. Fuckers.
EFor people like me, who alter the shit outta their systems and void the warranty (fuck you, I like burning/booting pirated games from a debian installation on the console itself)

wait what

can you run debian on 360
Debian Etch, and Ubuntu 7.x are the most compatable. Etch is kind of a pain in the ass to set up, though. If you love compilin' (theres a lot of modifications that have to go) (also see: gentoo user) you'll enjoy the setup. Kind of ironic though, isn't it.

You could do the same thing with the original xbox's since, afterall, microsoft consoles ARE JUST FUCKING PCS YOU PAY TOO MUCH FOR.

You can read about it here:, granted they don't update much anymore. The basics are there, the rest is spread out on forums all around the intertubes.

Info on essentially turning your original xbox into a seedbox here:
I'd laugh to see the RIAA storm a house, steal the comp and leave the Xbox and thats where all the "magic" was happening in the first place then getting counter-sued for being dicks with no evidence.
Debian Etch, and Ubuntu 7.x are the most compatable. Etch is kind of a pain in the ass to set up, though. If you love compilin' (theres a lot of modifications that have to go) (also see: gentoo user) you'll enjoy the setup. Kind of ironic though, isn't it.
cool, thanks

not that i'll get a 360 before they're $50 or so but good to know

i hate gentoo but i ran slackware for something like 11 years so i know a thing or two about compiling shit and doing everything the "hard" way
Infamous gets SO FUCKING BORING after about 5 hours. At about 10 hours all I could wonder is why I played it more. THE ENTIRE FUCKING GAME is just spamming electricity attacks at the same fucking dudes and traveling around roofs touching the same stupid shit. Theres nothing else needed to be done. No reason, no warranting... just... zap. zap. zap. zap. zap. And then you beat it at about 12-13 hours...

Had they introduced some sort of significant gameplay changes along the road, it would have been a pretty good game. But instead it's monotonous game in a dull world...

And the ending was LOLobvious.

Maybe Prototype will be a bit better.
I can't remember if I played Overlord all the way through, going to do that then play Overlord 2.
My friends and I have been playing nothing but Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo the last few weeks and it has been amazing. The old games are so funny to go back and play because a lot of times the controls and graphics are just hysterical to try and deal with when you are accustomed to modern games. 4 player Goldeneye is just as fun today as it was 10 years ago.