Viking Metal

Turisas aren't really viking metal...

Why don't you think they are? I mean, they follow in the same pattern as Ensiferum, they just go for a bigger sound. And they mostly write about vikings.

What would you call them? I mean, they're definitely symphonic, but they have a lot of viking tendencies, I think.
They don't really write about Vikings, at least not explicitly on Battle Metal.
I'd call them folk metal. It's a legitamate recommendation for Viking metal, though...but they don't sound like Bathory in any way.
They don't really write about Vikings, at least not explicitly on Battle Metal.
I'd call them folk metal. It's a legitamate recommendation for Viking metal, though...but they don't sound like Bathory in any way.

Yeah, that latter part is definitely true. You should give The Varangian Way a try though; that's their second album. It's a concept album about the vikings going down the Rus, Neva, Dneiper Rivers and such. Seriously, it's one of my favorite albums. It's very symphonic and over the top (especially the opening song, "To Holmgard and Beyond"), but it's spectacular songwriting, I think. The dynamics of the record are awesome. Try the songs "Cursed Be Iron" and "Five Hundred and One."

It might not be your cup of tea, but it's miles beyond Battle Metal.
Turisas are cheesy as hell imo

Yeah, a lot of people here seem to think so. I agree sometimes, but I think you can apply the same argument to a band like Rhapsody. They have many of the same elements. However, I think Turisas have a much more badass sound. When I want bombastic, symphonic music, I usually listen to Turisas over Rhapsody.
^^and there's nothing wrong with it. i just prefer to have some more depth behind the music, rather than some plastic bombast. to each his own. when it goes for folk/viking/pagan metal i chose Primordial, Negura Bunget, Skyforger, Bathory or Solstafir
I'll pick up Varangian Way eventually, but I just mentally compiled a list of all the bands I want to get albums by and passed 70 different bands, most of whom have at least 3 albums, without even trying. Also, I won't be able to buy any albums till fall...
I'll pick up Varangian Way eventually, but I just mentally compiled a list of all the bands I want to get albums by and passed 70 different bands, most of whom have at least 3 albums, without even trying. Also, I won't be able to buy any albums till fall...

Just so you can hear at least a bit before you go buying a record you don't like :cool:



I don't care what anyone says about Turisas, their cover of "Those Were the Days" is epic as hell, and if you can't see that, you're just not as cool as everyone else.
looked them up. Not bad...pretty old school sound. Vocals are old school black metal, music is old school heavy metal. Not necessarily the best mix. But pretty decent.
Oh. That was the demo. That would make sense...

Ok, this is more or less bitchin'. Good melodies, double bass, still with the old school bm vocals, but that's okay.
Another painfully underrated (and rarely mentioned) band is Butterfly Temple. Although a tad hard to classify, these Russians play a pretty unique blend of blackened viking/pagan/folk music with tons of acoustic interludes. Their stuff is hard to find (or was a few years ago when I got them).
I always thought Mithotyn were more black metal than viking metal; I'll have to listen to them more closely.

It's cool though to hear Falconer before they became Falconer; huge sound change for them.

Just curious; I mentioned Einherjar at the beginning of the thread. Anyone here fans of them?