I empty my nose on you..!
this is what i know: the pentagram represents in the modern nature religions the goddess (wicca), but it is used a lot as an symbol for satan.. but i think other people can help you better
Chris_TeT said:Got another question!.
I recently typed in pagan on yahoo images and noticed the pentagram comes up a lot...I allways just thought the pentagram was a symbol for evil (satan) and never realised it had anything to do with the pagan religion.
Chris_TeT said:Got another question!.
I recently typed in pagan on yahoo images and noticed the pentagram comes up a lot...I allways just thought the pentagram was a symbol for evil (satan) and never realised it had anything to do with the pagan religion.
Socom said:As far as I know, satanists only use down-pointed pentagram which represents goats head. And I never noticed nordic/slavic mythology using that symbol.
Tyra said:As Mjollnir pointed out, .
Tyra said:(We also have a few broadswords and a skeleton mounted by the door.)
This brings up a question I have. What is it with the "white pride" or the whole nazi thing associated with Norse mythology? I've noticed skinheads wearing Thor's hammer and I've heard of Japanese gangsters or yakuza with Norse-themed tattoo body suits. Is it just something they adopted over the years and has no real meaning or what?Celtik Militia said:i have this Tshirt with WOTAN written on the chest in huge... and guess what some random guy told me?...
"so, tell me, what is the Will Of The Aryan Nation?" while pointing at the WOTAN thing... i had a hard time to figure out the acronym he was talking about.. i didnt even know it existed.
anyway i just answered "to find the holy Graal" and let him be.
skinnywhiteboy said:i want some Odin pajamas!
Celtik Militia said:so if they want to turn to a religion they turn to ancient paganism which is the true religion of the white people.