Viking mythology and all that goes with it

Värend is also part of Småland, though. It was called that, because it means "to protect", as in "värna", since they were the people next to the Danish kingdom. They had different laws (specifically to do with inheritance for women) until very late in history, which they (the women) earned by proving bravery in defending the country against the Danes. I don't know how accurate the name is for the Viking age, though. It could be an anachronism, because my understanding was that they earned the name during later times on account of defending the country. There wasn't a Sweden proper to defend against the Danes in the time that Röde Orm took place, if you get my drift. Either way, I do not know an awful lot that'll help in your search, as I have only studied these people later in history, when there was an actual country with a king and national borders to defend...
Svensk Uppslagsbok from 1938 writes "Värend utgjorde från äldsta tider en kulturellt isolerad bygd". Further reading: G. O. Hyltén-Cavallius, "Wärend och wirdarne" (2 bd, 1964 - 68). I have to find that book somwhere, that would be awesome. It's so hard to find books that in detail describe various tribes etc. I have one about the Langobards, which is awesome. And I would give a aheck of a lot to have similair ones about Franks, Saxonians, Göingar and what have you.

Frans G. Bengtsson writes about virdarna: "På dem kunde man se att de voro ett släkte för sig själva, som inte liknade annat folk. De voro resliga män med silverringar i öronen och med svärd som voro längre och tyngre än andeas. De hade rakade hakor, långt läppskägg, som hängde ner på båda sidor om munnen, liknöjda ögon och en korthet i sitt tal. Det sades bland grannar att högmodet i deras skick kom sig av att de styrdes av sina kvinnor och inte ville låtsas om detta inför främlingar; men få djärvden höra sig för om den saken hos dem själva.
Svensk Uppslagsbok from 1938 writes "Värend utgjorde från äldsta tider en kulturellt isolerad bygd". Further reading: G. O. Hyltén-Cavallius, "Wärend och wirdarne" (2 bd, 1964 - 68). I have to find that book somwhere, that would be awesome. It's so hard to find books that in detail describe various tribes etc. I have one about the Langobards, which is awesome. And I would give a aheck of a lot to have similair ones about Franks, Saxonians, Göingar and what have you.

Thou shalt have to read Tacitus' "Germania", young squire. Not much choice - it's kind of the holy grail for this kind of thing. It's free and on the internet in several places, such as here: (in Swedish) or probably at Northvegr (in English). What you have to do, though, is exactly what you did - check the reference section in books that you like and trust. You can also see what Tacitus calls the different tribes, then use Google scholar to look the old names up. You should be able to find research papers etc that way, which also have references in them. Befriend your local librarian, and don't forget that you are bilingual, so you can read some of the massively huge amount of German material that's written on this subject. Tons of work to backtrack to find out the tiniest details - welcome to my world...
Here is a link that may be of some use to you - not sure, but it's interesting regardless:
/ T.
PS. Nationalencyklopedin skriver bl a att "Ortnamnet är mångtydigt", och att det redan fanns en väl etablerad centralbygd kring landstings- och marknadsplatsen Växjö under medeltidens början (NE räknar det som 1050). Fr o m 1170 blev Växjö biskopssäte, bla bla bla, under senmedeltiden drev virdarna en aktiv separatistisk politik mot den svenska centralmakten och att Dackefejden (1542-43) blev dess kulmen och avslutning. Det står en del annat också, men inget som jag inte täckt ovan. DS.
Yeah, interesting, isn't it?
If you want something really mixed up, see if you can find an English translation of Solarljod (Thorpe made one, but I can't find it on-line for you - I use the Swedish or German versions myself). It is a Christian vision-poem, complete with nine rune carving daughters of Njord, and the line "on the chair of the Norns I sat nine days" etc, etc.
If you go here:
you can read the aecerbot, and then compare it to the heathen landtaking ritual in Landnamabok (is available at and the "Hail Day and Day's sons" prayer in Sigrdrifa. It is quite an overlap!!

I will check this out after finals (I am freaking). I took Old English Lit and the prof is killing me with all the work due at the end!!!
Eeeew! I feel for you... I am writing two essays based on David and Kramers' Ethnoarchaeology in Action. What a f***** pain in the a**!! I thought Hodder was difficult to understand...until I read this stuff. We've people saying they're going to fail the course just because they cannot understand the language. That's so much bs, considering we're supposed to be Swedish, and the damn text is in English.
Debate subject : in europe, do you think one can be pro-european-paganism and not be affected by islamisation or the mass immigration of non european allogenes in europe? personally, i agree with David Lane's Wotanism which is racially oriented. i don't understand how any pagan european can be leftist (= for mass immigration = for me, the destruction of our people).

Debate subject : in europe, do you think one can be pro-european-paganism and not be affected by islamisation or the mass immigration of non european allogenes in europe? personally, i agree with David Lane's Wotanism which is racially oriented. i don't understand how any pagan european can be leftist (= for mass immigration = for me, the destruction of our people).


the destruction of Europe has already started. and it will not stop unless people rise up against Islam.
It pisses me off so much!

and dont you know that "pagans" are racists? "you dont worship the dirty sand god? Get out racist!!!!"
Wrong thread. Please move to appropriate thread - do a search, we've done this discussion at length before in another thread.
Sorry. Too drunk to type. Snowed in for four days straight. Need I say more?
It's not the depth, it's the windchill. School's been closed for three days and all, cuz nobody can get to it. Garbage collection is cancelled for the week,and some 100 000 households have no power (in the cold). Fucking Westcoastians don't know how to drive in the snow. Wouldn't last an hour in Stockholm. Mind you, it took me an hour to get out of my very short drive way this morning, then I still couldn't make it out onto the still-unplowed-after-three-days fucking main road, 200 feet away... So, I got drunk instead. I am now 1 bottle of Baileys, 1/2 a bottle of whiskey and three bottles of mead short, and severely bedspinny, and it is still fucking snowing.
It's not the depth, it's the windchill. School's been closed for three days and all, cuz nobody can get to it. Garbage collection is cancelled for the week,and some 100 000 households have no power (in the cold). Fucking Westcoastians don't know how to drive in the snow. Wouldn't last an hour in Stockholm. Mind you, it took me an hour to get out of my very short drive way this morning, then I still couldn't make it out onto the still-unplowed-after-three-days fucking main road, 200 feet away... So, I got drunk instead. I am now 1 bottle of Baileys, 1/2 a bottle of whiskey and three bottles of mead short, and severely bedspinny, and it is still fucking snowing.

may the force be with you!
And still she manages to make posts bigger then anyone here

Oh, and before i forget, i need the biggest and baddest (no, make that bestestest) online version of the story when Odin got sleipnir, prose form, not poetic, for school, cause thats my only chance of not-making a 6000 page book of greek mythos..
jeez, its been 3 weeks now since i ordered the prose edda. "Yes i know, if papyrus doenst have them in stock you might have to wait some more weeks longer" was the answere <_<. Darn i want that book.