Well, all I am saying is that many people, such as the Celts, the Greek, the Romans, and the Germanic tribes, used to celebrate a religious feast in the month of December. That is becuase of the solstice falling at that time. Many of the same religions held feasts at the other solstice, summer solstice, and the solar equinox in spring and fall, too. Some of those feasts are still celebrated, such as in Sweden, where a big feast is held at midsummer. Many other feasts have survived into modern day, but under other names or under Christian names, such as Halloween being All Saints Day or Day of the Dead. One way to Christianize people is to park feasts over top of their own feasts, so that they won't miss the feasts or have a chance to celebrate both.
As for the tree, I was refering to the Christmas tree, which also is an old pagan symbol that was prevalent in many pre-Christians religions, but was adopted by them.
Explain to me what you mean here: "after that is became a pagan party?those first feasts?" I'll reply if I can.
oh, thank you, i was asking that, if, after the first feast which i supposed very ancient and before religion was "invented", i mean, if those feast happened like in caves era and then they still continue to nowadays, so actually you can trace the winter solstice celebration back to the caves and we still keeped, modified but basically the same...
and the decoration of trees, i´m just curios, i mean, i have no idea from where it comes because also now in southern europe people do decorate trees i guess that the traditional thing here was just to settle the "nativity"( dunno the word) with figures and so...so just curios...
the other thing you explained, abut xtians stealing pagan feasts, i know, as well as symbols and basically verything they nedded/wanted/found useful...bastards, dunno why they bother to cross the jordan...