Thanks for answering Tyra.
I have another question: Does anyone know how to tell someone who is homosexual to get off your back? I had this guy come into where I work earlier....and he would not get a fucking hint...so yeah, advice would be appreciated!
Co-worker or customer/client?
(Why am I answering??? I keep getting guys that hit on me when I am with my husband, and they don't seem to bugger off until he tells them to, even when I ask them not-so-politely to "Dude, Fuck the hell off already!" Now if they're women, I set my bisexual friend on them, and then she has sex with them in my place. Don't suppose you have any gay friends you can hook the dude up with?)
This reminds me of a funny Johan story!!! Totally off topic, but none the less... So I'm 17, on the beach in Spain (Ikki - it was Torrevieja) wearing nothing but a bikini, big blue eyes and very, very long blonde hair. The beach is mostly empty, since it's so not a tourist town, except for these African dudes (Celtik and Krigloch would love them - NOT!!) that smuggle their wares across the Sound of Gibraltar and then wander the beaches selling their cheap junk to stupid tourists. Well, there I was, all alone, with no parents. Next thing you know these dudes are all over me like fat kids on Smarties. The pick-up lines are flying, even though they barely speak English, I tell them to fuck off, but some of them get very fresh, groping and such, and I get pissed. Suddenly there is dead silence, and they all suddenly stare at something in terror (I didn't know what it was, cuz I was surrounded and my view was blocked...). Then the crowd opens up, kind of like the parting of the Dead Sea, and here comes Johan - who had been swimming, which is why I was on the beach, cuz I was supposed to be watching him. Johan was barely a teenager, but still tall enough to dwarf them. You could hear a pin drop, I swear, and then finally one of the dudes decided so grab some balls and pipe up "Is THAT your boyfriend??". I proudly - and loudly - answered "No, he's even worse...he's MY BROTHER!!! Damn, that was the fastest I have ever seen a beach empty, ever! The End.