yes i think there is only a grass covered stone house there remaining. i remember seeing a picture of this from school.. was very interesting though, but i dont know much more. 
ill check this out Tyra, im glad you learned in the process hehe
anyway as im setting Hel's castle as in a cave, there is no practical need of columns, although its still very symbolic, and i need to occupy space. so as i said, i draw 2 columns already, flanking the door, but its not directly beside the door, its like between the entrace and the hostseat and the honorseat.. youll see when ill finish the paiting lol
as to set the third pole.. i was saying earlier it would cut the line of sight of the host over the entrace.. so maybe the third pole was right behind the high seat? and the 2 others flanking the seat? if you still have the pictures of those archeological sites, i would very much like to see them please, this is all so very interesting
tossing the poles in the water for disembarking, thats really nice ^^

ill check this out Tyra, im glad you learned in the process hehe
anyway as im setting Hel's castle as in a cave, there is no practical need of columns, although its still very symbolic, and i need to occupy space. so as i said, i draw 2 columns already, flanking the door, but its not directly beside the door, its like between the entrace and the hostseat and the honorseat.. youll see when ill finish the paiting lol
as to set the third pole.. i was saying earlier it would cut the line of sight of the host over the entrace.. so maybe the third pole was right behind the high seat? and the 2 others flanking the seat? if you still have the pictures of those archeological sites, i would very much like to see them please, this is all so very interesting

tossing the poles in the water for disembarking, thats really nice ^^