Swamp Yankee
I would like Bates to maybe elaborate a little more on this and if you want a good indication of how our ancestors lived, just read the sagas, it's all right there.
Short form would be, I look at things in a, hmm, fuck, I can't explain it. Everything wants to come out the opposite of what I mean. I'll have to get back to you on that, once I can marshal my brain.
Hmm, that's an interesting way to look at things, hadn't heard of that idea before.Runesinger said:For instance he was telling me that the monotheistic religions (including Satanism and wicca) are all inspired by Surt the Firelord. His center is around the desert lands of North Africa and the Middle East. Surt promotes monotheism because he is pretty much a dictator. Those that follow the monotheistic religions end up in Muspellheim, the land of fire. This is because they have given their minds and their will over to the rule of another. They will stay in Muspellheim until they learn to think for themselves.