I've always felt that Odin can keep his warriors, If I could go anywhere it would be Bilskirnir.
but I've always wondered this. Ok, so the gods have their own halls, what do those people do during Ragnarok?
*straps on a pair of brass ones*
I'd have to guess... they'd be fighting too, at least during Ragnarok, probably alongside the warriors of Folkvangar. I remember reading something about the warriors Freyja chooses are the "defensive" army... but I can't find the reference, as my library is, well, it outgrew my bookshelves a few years ago.

But the impression I get from everything involved with Ragnarok is that everyone will be fighting in one way or another. It's either fight and die fighting, or hide and die a cowardly death in Surtr's flames. I just can't see anyone sitting by idly as the end happens, you know? Especially not those who were chosen by the Aesir to serve in their halls, as I figure they'd be a bit closer to the "ideal Norseman" then those who are sent to Hel.
As for the rest of the time until then, I haven't a clue. But I'd guess they all do something similar to Valhall, kinda like living in the hall of a great noble, where there is always plenty of the needed things, and some form of activity pleasing to the Asa who's hall it is. I can't even make a guess as to what that would be for each... it would be life without the "Oh shit!" moments, I guess. I.e., no "Oh shit, raiders!", "Oh shit, rain!( or no rain!)", "Oh shit, no mead!", etc.
I'm sure more is known by someone else, but at least as far as the versions of the Eddas I have are concerned, it seems that only Vallhall was considered glorious enough to be described in any detail. It seems to go back to that whole "Odin was the god of the nobles, the nobles were the patrons of the skalds, the skalds wrote the sagas to please their patrons who all expected to go to Vallhall." thing that Tyra has finally managed to drill into my brain.
As always, my posts are the product of a little bit of reading, a lot of imagination, and not enough sleep.