Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Sort of difficult to explain, one must know me and how I react when I'm drunk and get surprised.

Normally I don't care much about "famous persons" or otherwise pest people's lives with my stupid brain, but when drunk AND surprised it does happen strange stuff.

Me and two friends were sitting very last our last night at Hells Bells, it was a weeday night but we were on vacation. Had been slamming beers and medovina most of the night and asked for various bands to be played on the stereo. We were talking Swedish amongst ourselves.

This dude comes up going like "hey are you guys from Sweden too?"
I look up and by the hair and the beard recognize the dude as the singer from Sabaton, though I can't remember the name of the bands ince I'm so damn wasted.

I proceed to ask/point out something along the lines of "dude, you're the singer from that band! What's the name of your band man?" and a bit more while he goes from looking happy he found Swedes to looking like he really wanted to be somewhere else fast.
I could see what I got myself into, and proceeeded to talk about the 70k cruise that I knew he loved going on more in the direction of "but you were on the cruise, right? You were on the cruise!" As to what he shines up a little bit and asks if I went to, and of course I had to pull out my seapass from my wallet and present evidence.
Tehn he got a bit more relaxed when he realized I was mainly just drunk and not really stupid, so we talked a while.

Poor guy, hahaha

I think I put somehwere on here what happened first time I met someone from Amon Amarth (Johan S), hahaha

I really shouldn't be allowed to drink...
Torn between; playing Diablo III or writing my dissertation. If only slashing ghouls could pay my bills.

I still haven't bought Diablo III

sick as a dog here, guess partyign like there is no tomorrow finally caught up with me, there was a tomorrow and it was not good...

The selling of my house with a realty agent that is less than nice after I signed the contract and my entire site of work being handed a general notice of leave or whatever it would be called in English has me nerves sort of stressed out, soi guess even working out more and eating more healthy couldn't keep this damn cold away at last.

will miss my barbell class today, will miss all day of work and will miss my friends band playing a gig tonight

Luckily have 4 days off starting tomorrow, so hope to be well by then, just hope I can go to the Engel gig on Friday
I checked it. No mistake in it.:Smug:

Dangerous to be slow, lazy and sanguine.... Got the last ticket for Hamburg Aug 17th. :( / :hotjump: Tickets currently not available anymore through ticket shops in Hamburg. But fortunately online still available. *gasp of relief*
I still haven't bought Diablo III

sick as a dog here, guess partyign like there is no tomorrow finally caught up with me, there was a tomorrow and it was not good...

The selling of my house with a realty agent that is less than nice after I signed the contract and my entire site of work being handed a general notice of leave or whatever it would be called in English has me nerves sort of stressed out, soi guess even working out more and eating more healthy couldn't keep this damn cold away at last.

will miss my barbell class today, will miss all day of work and will miss my friends band playing a gig tonight

Luckily have 4 days off starting tomorrow, so hope to be well by then, just hope I can go to the Engel gig on Friday

i hope you feel better soon, bro. i also hope the work situation improves. sorry that you're stressed out.

focus on what you can control and forget about the rest.

you're a warrior, remember?


2 persons are bidding for my house now, should be done withing a few days which price will be the last.
After this contract, and then asking the housing community if they'll allow the potential buyer, then plan for the move.


Once this is over I have one less huge thing to worry/stress about.

Then to see if I get to keep my job, haha.

2 persons are bidding for my house now, should be done withing a few days which price will be the last.
After this contract, and then asking the housing community if they'll allow the potential buyer, then plan for the move.


Once this is over I have one less huge thing to worry/stress about.

Then to see if I get to keep my job, haha.
I'll keep my fingers AND toes crossed for you ;o)
Btw: spring has finally arrived here!!!!!!!!
Bidding on my house ended, will sign contract on wednesday

will even make a slight profit compared to what I purchased + investments + realtor fee

now the wait after wednesday until the housing community accepts or denies the potential buyer
Sounds good so far. Will there be a get-together with all community members where they ask the potential buyer whatever they want to know and then they vote or what is the procedure?
nah, it's the board of the community that will check the person out and see that they are not a criminal, and that they think they will pay the rent and all that kinds of stuff

they have up to one month to say yeas or no according to the law, hopefully it'll be faster than that though.