Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Ah, good to know, thanks! Found a shop that sells it. Hopefully they've got an old one there. Will also buy a Meantime Coffee Porter, just for interest.

I kinda liked Meantime Coffee years ago when I first tried it, not sure if I've changed my taste or if they changed the recepie, but I don't get it as often as I used to.

If you do like black beers as well as coffee, I think it's a hit though!

And with the amount of caffeine (spelling?) and alcohol in there, it gives you a nice kick to the head too :kickass:
I kinda liked Meantime Coffee years ago when I first tried it, not sure if I've changed my taste or if they changed the recepie, but I don't get it as often as I used to.

If you do like black beers as well as coffee, I think it's a hit though!

And with the amount of caffeine (spelling?) and alcohol in there, it gives you a nice kick to the head too :kickass:

This is what I bought today for testing:
2 Chimay Bleue Grand Reserve (unfortunately he had from 2011 only)
1 Meantime Coffee
1 Meantime Choco
1 Gessner Dark Bock
1 Barbär Honey Beer
1 Neuzeller Anti Aging Beer (as a present for my friend, though the seller said, it tastes awful.:grin:)
I'm sure that I will go there again. :kickass:
This is what I bought today for testing:
2 Chimay Bleue Grand Reserve (unfortunately he had from 2011 only)
1 Meantime Coffee
1 Meantime Choco
1 Gessner Dark Bock
1 Barbär Honey Beer
1 Neuzeller Anti Aging Beer (as a present for my friend, though the seller said, it tastes awful.:grin:)
I'm sure that I will go there again. :kickass:

First 3 I've tried before, I was going to type.
Then checked ratebeer and I tried the Gessner bock at a friend's bock tasting in March :D
And reading more clearly, of course I remember Barbär, it was one of my favourite beers when I started to nerd into beer in a serious way back in 2003, love the honey notes in it!
And indeed, I've had quite a few from Neuzeller, including that one, and yes I agree with the seller, it's awful :tickled:

You may of course just put one of the blue Chimay bottles in a dark closet somewhere for another year or so, room temperature really speeds up the aging process in beer.
Or if you have a dark and cool (not cold) storage, like a cellar, that keeps somewhere 12 to 15 degrees C and don't vary in temp in rapid changes, that would be a perfect place to age the beer for a good while.
A 2011 is still better than a 2012 though, if you want to feel some of the aged notes :)
The 1999 I had again a few months ago was soooooooo good, aaaargghl, sweet taste buds memories, one of the best beery experiences in my life.

I used to always buy one extra and leave it for a good while, but don't have any Chimay at home right now.

Trying to go through the beers in my fridge that I have no special reason to age, before I move.
Was a good party last night, 3 friends over and 20 beers (shared) later I was drunk when I headed to bed :loco:
Oh yeah, we got a bit into my meads and whisky collection too, haha

Let me know how you like the beers!

Oh, and the chocolate meantime is very much like a chocolate drink kind of thing, haha, it can be nice still though, if you like the cocoa and sweet variety.

The beer test
So far:
Both Meantime Porters. Hm, I’m not really convinced. The coffee somehow came along with a stylish cool spirit to my sense of taste. Quite dry and bitter. And don’t know, smelled a little bit like medicine.
The choco, yeah, haha, very intensive - didn’t get rid of the choco smell for some hours. But in my opinion not too sweet, less sweet than I expected. Though also somehow to "coo"l for me. My friend however liked it very much.
The taste of both quite interesting indeed. But I thought: Where ist he soul of those beers?:Spin: In my opinion coffee and choco better goes with Wodka.:D But to play the game, I felt a little chilly the last days and so maybe better to drink a smooth red wine (we did it later) or whiskey than a beer, but ok, I was too nosey... Nevertheless I will give them a second chance, too bad they weren’t. And I will eat while drinking it next time! Some cake with he coffee porter, something very earthy or spicy (chili) with the choco porter.

Despite my chilly feeling: I really liked the Barbär. To be honest, actually I wanted to buy a honey beer called Odin Trunk, but the seller said, oh no!, better you try Barbär... Yeah, indeed it’s good in my opinion. I’ve expected something very sweet and sticky and was surprised. In any case the sun of those 3 beers!
A 2011 is still better than a 2012 though, if you want to feel some of the aged notes :)
The 1999 I had again a few months ago was soooooooo good, aaaargghl, sweet taste buds memories, one of the best beery experiences in my life.

I used to always buy one extra and leave it for a good while, but don't have any Chimay at home right now.

The Chimay bleue is on my "Robinson Crusoe list" now. Thank you very much for recommendation!
From 1999? Really? Heaven! And it still was ok? Where did you get it?
The Chimay bleue is on my "Robinson Crusoe list" now. Thank you very much for recommendation!
From 1999? Really? Heaven! And it still was ok? Where did you get it?

They sold it some 4 or 5 years ago at the Swedish alcohol store, they do buy some great stuff from all over the world

It was more than OK, it was orgasmic even!
If you really liked that one, see if you can find the Rochefort 10 and the St Bernardus Abt 12

They are perhaps not very similar, but close enough I'd say

Also big, bold, strong, dark, rich, complex Belgian ales
Regards sweet-puddingy flavoured beers,never tried chocolate but sounds interesting. I do remember a few "sweet" tastes. the Stewarts Coconut porter that I mentioned in another thread a while ago was a lovely buttery taste. Not that I am a big porter person.

Regards honey, I have only tried BeeWyched from Wychwood brewery. Ok but nothing to call home about.

And the one I really liked... Clootie Dumpling ale from Orkney Brewery. A bit like mulled wine.

The place where I got all these has got their website sorted and started shipping- It's an amazing shop, small as a garden shed but best selection outside a festival:
They sold it some 4 or 5 years ago at the Swedish alcohol store, they do buy some great stuff from all over the world

It was more than OK, it was orgasmic even!

Obviously your staying power paid off then. I mean, from 1999 and than 4-5 years of waiting!???!!!
Hope my second bottle of 2011 will outlast some years also.:)
But it's definitely a beer I could drink every day, I would say. (though actually I don't want to drink alcohol every day.)

The Rochefort 10 they've got in that shop too, I know for sure. Hopefully the St Bernardus Abt 12 and the Choco Stout recommended by Belgar also. I will see next week.
The place where I got all these has got their website sorted and started shipping- It's an amazing shop, small as a garden shed but best selection outside a festival:

130 different Scottish Ales! The shop in my town I found last week also has a selection of 130, I guess and I thought, wow, what a selection. But it's of all kind of beers and from everywhere. So maybe actually that's not so much.