Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.


I like your humour!


Thanks, thanks, I'll be here all week! :):):)

Most non Brits require subtitles after I've had the third beer though.

Another tough beer night, I'll not be happy tomorrow when leaving for work...

*Burp* I only had one, but it was 1) On an empty stomach, 2) 7% honey ale, 3) from a homebrew festival and 4) I'm a lightweight. If I ever hang out with you in real life I'll probably need a seeing eye dog to get back in one piece.
Thanks, thanks, I'll be here all week! :):):)

Most non Brits require subtitles after I've had the third beer though.

*Burp* I only had one, but it was 1) On an empty stomach, 2) 7% honey ale, 3) from a homebrew festival and 4) I'm a lightweight. If I ever hang out with you in real life I'll probably need a seeing eye dog to get back in one piece.

I'll volunteer to be the seeing eye long as there are no stairs... beer and stairs dont mix well for me
I'll volunteer to be the seeing eye long as there are no stairs... beer and stairs dont mix well for me

I'm more of a fan of roadwork paraphernalia... trying to climb work fences, steal traffic cones, that sort of thing. :cool: Right now leaving me loose in Edinburgh with a few beers on me is like leaving a kiddie in a candy shop.
I'm more of a fan of roadwork paraphernalia... trying to climb work fences, steal traffic cones, that sort of thing. :cool: Right now leaving me loose in Edinburgh with a few beers on me is like leaving a kiddie in a candy shop.

Last concert I went to....I got in a fight with the staircase outside the bar. Then there was the fine when I was living in Chicago...I tripped over the sidewalk and busted my lip open pretty good. Only reason I remember that is I was at a party upstairs and my other friend lived I knocked on thier door bleeding everywhere asking for a towel...started calling me Crash for that one. Other then that fun past time for us...get drunk...and break into the park bathrooms and TP the playground lol
I'm all human. :) with a bit of Klingon thrown in. :heh:

Not bad Ahmed, I tend to stick to the less exotic: If I recall well- Polish, Basque, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, English (more of a platonic thing really so does not count), Greek and Scottish. Well, I have been an Erasmus student more than once so that explains it.

Also had a Norwegian slobbering over me (taken at the time so turned him down, pity because he was a nice guy) and chased a rather fit but socially clueless Dane who to this day is probably unaware of it.
Thanks, thanks, I'll be here all week! :):):)

Most non Brits require subtitles after I've had the third beer though.

*Burp* I only had one, but it was 1) On an empty stomach, 2) 7% honey ale, 3) from a homebrew festival and 4) I'm a lightweight. If I ever hang out with you in real life I'll probably need a seeing eye dog to get back in one piece.

So where will you be after this week?! :err:

:kickass: ...for the beer! (and it must be real ale, lager isn't even fit to wash your balls in :lol: )
Mmmm no, you want escargots, most misunderstood food in the world, they are delicious.

Actually, I find its more the sort of sauce that goes with it that's tasty, the snails are just gummy and tasteless.
But I love them too :)

Speaking of (french) cuisine, a friend of mine left for Australia for a year, when he came back he ate so much cheese to catch up he almost had a heart attack. :D

Nice going Amon666, bet you didn't have a light eyed girl though, those are the best. just too beautiful... when i come to think of it, i've only gone out with one brown eyed girl... geeze, i'm really stuck up.

Edit: holy shit! a new korpiklaani! I didn't even hear about it! awesome!
Edit 2: am I having a nightmare or does the lead singer have fucking dreadlocks?
Actually, I find its more the sort of sauce that goes with it that's tasty, the snails are just gummy and tasteless.
But I love them too :)

Of course, I meant the thing as a whole. But that does not apply only to snails- have you ever tried eating a raw mushroom? Polystirene would be tastier. But add olive oil, garlic and herbs and they are just delicious. I sold escargots to my man saying "see, imagine it is a slightly undercooked garlic mushroom" and he agreed to me, the texture and taste is the same. Get a Scot to eat a snail- that deserves a prize!

Edit: holy shit! a new korpiklaani! I didn't even hear about it! awesome!
Edit 2: am I having a nightmare or does the lead singer have fucking dreadlocks?

I found it was a bit too ska-y for my taste. And yes, the dreadlocks... I thought they were a joke but he's had them for quite a while now. There's pictures of the recording in Facebook and they look particularly bad there.

Nice going Amon666, bet you didn't have a light eyed girl though, those are the best. just too beautiful... when i come to think of it, i've only gone out with one brown eyed girl... geeze, i'm really stuck up.

Aaaaw how sweet, you remember their eye colour!!! :lol::lol::lol: Let's see if I remember my only French fling... eyes... I know he had two of them, but not what colour. Probably blue. Strawberry blonde, and very short- a good couple inches shorter than me :lol: That tends to be a bit of a pattern. grr.

:mad: I only attract trolls and midgets :mad:
I personally don't like dreadlocks, and they are quite high maintenance if you want them to look good. Otherwise they look scabby. And you have to chop them off when you get tired of them, unless you are prepared to put up with a lot of pain to undo the locks!

I think your own curl is quite nice Amon, just stick to what you have.