Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

mmmm the lawn service told me it was like 250 bucks for someone to come out here,yeah I think mowing it myself was more cost effective........and that would almost make me go WTF if I was actually from texas and not just here for work.

What are you, daft? Pay an illegal $20, shit gets done.
Unless you have armadillos, which apparently are dead tasty, or guinea pigs (delicacy in Ecuador) I'd rest assured they'll leave your pets alone.


Edit: Odd- why does it not show the picture???

this is what they do to armadillos here...well not quite but I have drivin home and spotted more then my fair share of run over 'dillos that someone will put feetup holding a beer can

I want Splodge the hedgehog. You can actually open a zip and put their innards inside them when sensitive souls are around.

Roadkill Cafe? Now I'm curious. Is it a sort of Redneck "ya kill it, we grill it" eaterie?

Soundtrack for this post is Road Kill, by Devin Townsend :rock::rock:
I want Splodge the hedgehog. You can actually open a zip and put their innards inside them when sensitive souls are around.

Roadkill Cafe? Now I'm curious. Is it a sort of Redneck "ya kill it, we grill it" eaterie?

Soundtrack for this post is Road Kill, by Devin Townsend :rock::rock: was my favorite shirt...had a made up menu on it like...."Poodles and Noodles" shit like that...Awesome Posseum I think was another

Somehow I dunno Don't Tred on Me would be a good soundtrack as well :D
One of my friends has a road kill cafe shirt.....if I remember correctly when he wore it to school a few years ago he got in trouble lol
If its all about the sheer randomness...

As a keen 'Real Ale' drinker, I'd like to share with you my drinking vessel of choice :kickass:


Now I know alot of drinkers on here will probably prefer the horn :lol: no pun intended! But I find that the pewter gives for a better 'flavour' when drinking real ales.

Bottoms up!

If its all about the sheer randomness...

As a keen 'Real Ale' drinker, I'd like to share with you my drinking vessel of choice :kickass:

Now I know alot of drinkers on here will probably prefer the horn :lol: no pun intended! But I find that the pewter gives for a better 'flavour' when drinking real ales.

Bottoms up!


Ah, pewter tankards. I am not a fan, but my local has a good collection of "clear bottom" ones- in theory to keep an eye on your possible enemies (I almost typed enemas there, how random would that have been) while still enjoying a drink.

I have been in the market for a pewter drinking vessel myself- a quaich for my wedding, and an equally good whisky to match the occassion.

Would not mind trying the horn... (actress said to the bishop)
Errr... why? A vegetarian would not be made to part with their slogan t-shirt, just tell your pal to say he is embracing a recognised culture and preserving their cuisine.

yeah I think he said something along those lines, but that was a long time I remember the guys parents got pissed at the school administration in person. The "incident" was good for laughs for quite a while.
yeah I think he said something along those lines, but that was a long time I remember the guys parents got pissed at the school administration in person. The "incident" was good for laughs for quite a while.

Some t-shirts that will mean you will be sent back home. Shameless plug because it's my second cousin who makes those.




