Vilewoman's off-topic random retardation thread.

Which reminds me, my mum is a teacher... her boss once chased me around the room during a school function, urging me to have more wine or another go at the buffet- she's a carmelite nun... although you'd never believe it. :lol:

I wouldnt be surprised by that. My great-grandma..even though she was 98 years old would walk 8 blocks to and from mass then come home and enjoy more than a few glasses of wine or scotch
I must have woken up the whole neighbourhood screaming. With the cold weather a family of mice has taken shelter in our block and found their way to our flat. Went into the kitchen barefoot and half asleep and scuttled around my feet *shudder*

I dealt with them when I was in uni, the building where we lived was built in 1845 (said so above the door) and the whole area was full of mice tunnels, but this is a new built flat- and we have both moths and mice inside and foxes outside. Like a fucking ark in here.
I am still wondering exactlly what it is i did new years eve. My buddy and I went to this new years eve party/concert thing. Vaguely remember the shots of 151 and beer. but today i wake up and do not know how the hell i tore my knee open and why i cant hardly bend my right elbow. I ask my roomie bout it and he just walks off laughing at me...:erk:
^fuck from waht I remember of my new years eve, I alternated being a huge douche to people I hadn't seen for a while,for years in some cases, with passing out on the couch. I would then get up, and invariably someone would shout "HOLEEEEE SHIT QUINN'S STILL ALIVE!!!". Then I'd be a douche for a while again, and pass out again, only to get up again. Somehow I managed not to miss the count down though. The highlight of my night was puking fluorescent green.
^ Yeah see we went to a local bar that was having a bunch of local bands along with a new years party. But I did find out why I am so damn sore..Evidently during one set I tangled with some people in the pit and took some pretty epic hits,which is why my shoulder is still fucked up. And the knee..apparently while I was trying to make my way to my friends this dude hit a security guy who hit me and sent me flying...Maybe i should be thankful for the alcohol have a feeling I would be alot more sore had i been sober.

Highlights of the night though..had to be the chick in the restroom who got pissed at the other 2 chicks making out and taking up one of the stalls,and decided to let it go right there in the sink...and the dude who kept following me around with this plastic microphone.

Low part of the night..being to shitfaced to drive home(yes I failed at being the designated driver) and having to sleep in the parking get cold when its 20 degrees out.
This past week has been so extrordinarly cold for Florida. We have no real concept of cold. It got down into the 20's (F) (20*F = -7*C) last night. My fingers feel like they are freezing as I type this. It is currently 72*F/22*C in the house and I feel so cold.
When it's 22C in my room here I usually wear only boxers XD

I just filtered some mead I've been aging. It got splashed a fair bit, and I'm not sure how that could affect it, but it won't be around for much longer in any case. (I have a ,erm, "sampling" planned probably either tomorrow or the day after) The amount of shit that came out of there was rather impressive, the mead is a really pretty golden colour now. Before it was rather cloudy.