Vista got a big thumbs down from me this weekend

I've found Vista fucking awesome.

So much quicker than XP.

Yeah, I couldnt stand running XP, so I reinstalled Vista(Previously had problems with alot of bluescreens, but after changing MB ive had 0 probs.).

The only problem I have now is that when VLC switches episodes when watching something like South Park, some times my computer locks up completely(Have to do a hard reboot.).
But I think this might be because of codec-conflicts, il have to check it out.

Other problems ive had has been because of backwardscompability issues, which isnt that bad, sence almost everything that worked in XP seems to work on Vista now.
I've had a pretty good time with vista the past year. Not really had many problems with stuff failing with reaper or my firepods.although I still have the odd issue here and there with media players, got 1 that pretty much never works and the windows media player sometimes takes a while to play and the odd time just doesn't work until I restart, like I click on a file and it completely ignores the fact i tried to play it and won't open WMP or even acknowledge that i tried to. weird.
Last time I checked Direct-X sounded pretty bad compared to proper ASIO drivers, so it's no loss really.
I'm thinking I might skip the Vista phase altogether and catch up in the next iteration of Windows - hoping that it's an actual improvement on XP. That's the curse of being a PC user. The most popular OS sucks, but there's barely anything going on in the Linux camp, so we can't jump ship.
Windows 7 will run better than Vista on a Computer with Identical Specs. Apparently they are trying to get it to load within ten seconds of turning on the PC or something like that.
Windows 7 will run better than Vista on a Computer with Identical Specs. Apparently they are trying to get it to load within ten seconds of turning on the PC or something like that.

If it loads within 10 seconds, and is faster on a computer with identical specs, AND is made by Microsoft, I have a feeling that your room will be lit up by this mysterious blue light every 5 minutes or so. :lol: