Vortex to Vintersorg


Wasteland Survivor
Mar 5, 2003
Underneath your bed
I think Vintersorg era Borknager is much better than old school Borknager. I feel the V has added much more depth to the band ,I think the Empiricism album is better than the last three albums put together. And ahell of a lot better singer.{no offense to Vortex) good job DIMMU.
I've always thought Vortex was way better than Vintersorg... I mean, The Apostacy? Sympozium?

Then ... We have the Genuine Pulse.... Such an AMAZING SONG! I don't know... They both rule.
I think that both vocalist are good on their own accord. I believe that Vintersorg is doing great things with Borknagar and I believe that Simen is doing great things for Dimmu. I also believe that Vintersorg is much better suited for Borknagar's style of music than Simen was. Personally, like the black metal vocals of the first album the most.
Vortex is slightly better with cleans..
Mr V clears out the table when it comes to growls.
My vote for V.
Blyfycyfyfyf said:
Hmmm... I more like Vintersorg, but I have a question: why Vortex has left Borknagar?

Ummm...Money hungry sell-out?

That may be a little harsh, but that's how I see it. Dimmu (one of the more trendy and popular bands of the "BM" scene) has been quite popular as of late. They are on eof the more well known of the "BM" metal bands, and tend to sell more records than the others.

As far as I can see, a person with Hestnaes' talent would(should) never do such a thing. Obviously, he has talent that should be known to the world. He's a guitarist (better than Brun, according to the man himself, he plays piano, bass, and more...). He obviously has a wealth of musical knowledge, but for some reason, he chooses to leave a great band to play with a mediocre one, albeit, a mediocre one that makes a substanial amount of money in comparison to Borknagar.

I should let you know that Simen is my favorite vocalist of all time. Between Univeral and The Chaos Path, I cannot even begin to think of a vocalist who has created more unique and totally epic/beautiful vocal lines. not to mention the rest of his work. I've heard his lesser known band "Lamented Souls", and they possesed the same dark but captivating essence...Yet i have no doubt that it is Simen who brings this level of greatness to the table.

But for some reason, we see him in a band that holds him back from his potential. So we get a few songs with his singing on Spiritual Black Dimensions, and a few more on Puritanical Euphorc Misanthropia. Big deal. Hmmm, have total creative freedom, or do a few songs by Dimmu and make more money....What's the logical answer?

Also , think of Borknagar. Name me a few of their best songs. Do Ad noctum or Collosus come to mind? Well, Simen wrote these tunes. To me, they are the standout tracks of Borknagar albums. They guy has obvious brilliance, but I believe he gives talent less importance than money.

I don't want to bash the guy based on my assumptions/researched decisions, but I can't help but be pissed that my favorite musician is now releasing next to nothing, save for a few great vocal lines that enhance and make a mediocre album worth spending $30 on.
Great post, Till Fjalls. Well-written and full of interesting and good points. But the question is: If you had been Simen, what would you have done? I know that I would probably have done the same thing as him - being able to earn enough money from music alone is a great privilege for any musician.
Simon isn't doing shit with Dimmu! It is such as waste of awesome talent! I really like old old Dimmu.. but new stuff is just too over the top. Simon has minimal parts and is not used to full potential. He should have stayed with Borknagar, but even though he left. Vintersorg is doing a fine job!
I like the New Dimmu Cd. I love what Simaen does when he sings clean (He's the only singer that makes me what to hear s ong with all clean vocals besides Mikael), He just doesn't do it enough.

It also seems there is a pattern in every song before he sings: Slow it down and have it just orchestra+drums+bass, add guitars and go into a riff [maybe with growling] then back to the same orchestra/drums/bass riff, then he sings for a little while, then it's back to the speed picking. I do, however, love that riff in the Apostacy/Hybrid (I would give the time, but I do not have the cd handy). Anyway, maybe Simaen wanted to see what he could do with Dimmu. Maybe he perferred the sound more. Or maybe he did want the money/exposure. All we can do is speculate, but what if he did do it for modest reasons? We would not know (Except if he gave an interview covering the topic).

Take Mikael... Maybe he just liked singing over those types of acoustics and such.. ? I perfer the old Opeth a LOT more (BWP - Orchid all the way, Orchid being the best IMHO), but it could just be Mikael liking the whole personal, 'Mic covered with a sock' feel.

I am a musician, and I have written music for 3+ years now. It's gone from completely shitty to people wanting a cd of my stuff. And my music has also changed. I went from Weird punk stuff to weird Metallica stuff to weird Katatonia stuff to now weird melodic stuff I could not describe... I recently have gotten into the whole 'Satriani' type guitar solos, with Scales/Sweeps/etc..., and I, yeterday, wrote a jazzy, easy listening song that someone told me would, 'sell.' I didn't write it for the money, but I did change genres. Will I write another like it? Maybe. I am 17.5, Have emotions, and my music will change. Life impacts music so great because music is more than notes, it's feeling. And you can't put a sad feel to a song when you are feeling happy, I don't care how many scales you know. (I take that back, you could, But there'd be no feeling, and No one would like it, thus it would suck)

But yeah, we can specualte, that's all. I ramble. Shoot me.
Staffan said:
Vintersorg all the way

what this guy said.

Vintersorg is my favorite vocalist/musician ever, and i think he has increased Borknagar's greatness exponentialy! The chemistry between Mr.V and Brun seems to be much stronger and overall the songs are tighter, more unfied and on a whole, better.
Vintersorg is a grat singer, in all the band where he plays or sing, but Vortex have some better aura , in the song The Chaos Path (Arcturus) you can imagine a new world, a new universe, anything you want, its great...
MapucheLord said:
Vintersorg is a grat singer, in all the band where he plays or sing, but Vortex have some better aura , in the song The Chaos Path (Arcturus) you can imagine a new world, a new universe, anything you want, its great...

That's Garm, not Vortex.
Hmmm, my humble opinion is that the two vocalists are different [for me] such that I always saw Simen primarily as a brutal vocalist; he sang clean to "spice up" - and no offense but his live performance never reached what he did in the studio. He is a great singer, Ad noctum alone is a proof of that, I think he made Dimmu even better [yes I like dimmu Borgir :Spin:].

Now Vintersong, is, great, you know how you hate it when the vocalist of your favorite band changes, you're afraid. But god, the first time i listened to Empricism was like heaven. His clean vocals are much better than Simen, his brutal is just a tad worse than Simen [I think].

but what sort of scares me is that Vintersong is a very experimentalist person; go to vintersong site and check out the mp3s. I really don't want him to change Borknagar for the worse [into a new and slower style for example], but I'm all for good change, and Vintersong fit really really well into Borknagar's epic style [I call it epic because that's the sort of emotion the music and lyrics create].

\m/ Hail both! :)