
I doubt Kerry will lose California. I'm hoping that California and Pennsylvania will carry him, with either Florida or Ohio to solidify.

I've been hankerin' for a revolution for some years now, but didn't have a reason. By the end of tonight, I might. Oh and if 90% of Americans die and I'm one of the survivors, Usama better let me have Brunette Bushy. For 6 minutes anyhow.
I wouldn't start panicking yet, as there have been no surprises so far. It all hinges on Penn, Ohio, and Florida. C'MON!!!!!
One Inch Man said:
I doubt Kerry will lose California. I'm hoping that California and Pennsylvania will carry him, with either Florida or Ohio to solidify.
California would be a good shot, but so far, Florida is leaning towards (Jeb) Bush. So is Ohio I think but maybe I'm just being a pessimist.

Oh and if 90% of Americans die and I'm one of the survivors, Usama better let me have Brunette Bushy. For 6 minutes anyhow.
6 whole minutes? You think he'll let you do her twice? :loco:
171 - 112 Bush. It apparently doesnt matter, but I am becoming concerned. If Kerry doesnt win Ohio and Penn, its over.

ANyone notice except for Indiana, that the map looks like the fucking Civil War? The dumb racist christians are voting for the chimp, the civilized world for Kerry.
Society failed to tolerate me
And I have failed to tolerate society
Still I can’t find what you adore
Inside I hear the echoes of an inner war
Nothing can take the horror from me
Your sick world the loss of all morality
My hate has grown as strong as my confusion
My only hope my only solution
is a Violent Revolution

If I had a gun, I'd be locked and loaded. But don't count out California and Penn! That's 76 EV right there!
JayKeeley said:
6 whole minutes? You think he'll let you do her twice? :loco:
If I eats me Wheaties that morning I'm going for the trifecta!
it's hinging on Ohio and Florida. I'm tired of waiting for the result. at least COyote Ugly is on USA. hot chicks dancing on a bar is cool
What the fuck is up with Florida? Absentee votes won't be counted now until Thursday? That's 250,000 votes. CNN are calling it outrageous. Get the fuck out of here, what is wrong with those dirty skanks?