
i am proud at least in Queens County NY ... where I live ... we had 71 / 28 for Kerry ... at least I am surrounded by some normal people.
in Manhattan ... the vote was 81/17 ... that should say something about the faith people have in Bush ... from a place where 9/11 hit hardest ...

Fucking NY'ers :rock: :worship: ... we cannot be intimidated by terrorists or some monkey instilling more fear in us !!!
is it just me or is this a similar point system like Family Feud ...

Kerry just took Pennsylvania !!!
In other news, 6 states BAN gay marriage. That is fucking GAY.

199 to 207 COME ON FLORIDA AND OHIO YOU FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!111111
isn't it odd that the states that are most prone to terrorist attacks are all voting Kerry ?
Fucking Florida....if no civil war, at minimum, ALL Americans should fart in the direction of Florida, and then maybe send in polaris extraordinaire. *in Darth Sidious voice* Wipe them out...all of them.
fucking florida ... no sidewalk having, gods waiting room, fake titties motherfuckers ...
Yeah, Miami Dolphins are my team but I knew long ago I'd never see them play at home. Fuck Florida. :loco: