Not voting, Dems always win in NJ. There's no such thing as political efficacy around these parts anyway, especially considering how fucked up NJ politics is, even in comparison with some of the other really questionable parts of the country.
Not. I'm weary of politics. Everyone lies. Everyone says they're a Christian and tried to push a Christian agenda. I have no interest in that. When both parties are spouting Christian rhetoric, what's an intelligent man to do? My choice is just to drop out.
I find just about every rationale I've heard for not voting gay and lying, I understand the system will always suck but somebody has to flush the cocksuckers down the bowl every few years...there should be no excuse for not going to the polls, especially this year when there's a fighting chance of fucking up whatever plans Bush has for the waning days of his term...
Shut it nerd. Did you work the previous day from 0645 till 2400 and finally fall asleep at 0130 this morning? I didn't have the energy to go stand in line at a poll for an hour to vote for someone who will happily lie right to my face.
voting was not one. I bought tickets to Belphegor, Haunted, and Danzig, bought Unleashed Midvinterblot, and several new tires for my truck. Pretty productive day.
For all you lazy fuckers (like me), vote absentee. Mail in your ballot days beforehand, with plenty of time to actually look over what you're voting for.
Don't forget early voting. In retrospect, I guess I coulda managed to do that. Alas.
Btw, some of the lines here in Nashvegas were 4 HOURS long. There were places with 2 polling stations. haha
i failed to vote, coulda sent in my absentee ballot. should have really. but since my vote is more of a protest vote than anything else i don't feel too party candidates do not win elections in america.