
Huh? The prop simply was to have females consult with their parents prior to having an abortion. Which I myself seem to think is just and proper. These 16 yr old whores who need a vice grip placed on their panties shouldn't be given the mindset that they have a get out of "jail" free card at every pass. Abortion is a topic i'm on the fence over. I can see it from both viewpoints. The point is, children shouldn't be bearing children, and more over, they shouldn't be disposing of their pollinated polyp without some consequences. The least of which being shame and humiliation. FTW
None of that matters because of this example alone: the girl who gets raped by her dad at 14 and has to have Parent's Permission to get an abortion.

It's not an exception to the rule, it's a very real scenario.
I love how the mother endures pain and suffering and perhaps long-term difficulties ever conceiving again, while the father just goes on about his business. Fuck that.
Yeah I could never be a woman. I got my dick swabbed once with something half the size of a q-tip, 6 years ago, and I still have waking nightmares about it. I could never do something like give birth, fuck all that.
Why should the government decide what, when and how people should parent? Rather than get parental consent for an abortion, why not force parental consent to have sex?
I thought you Republicans were all about less government.

Anyway, yeah, NAD, I too have suffered the burning of the penile swab. Since then, I've kept my sexual partners narrowed down to ONE to never have to do that again.
Why should the government decide what, when and how people should parent? Rather than get parental consent for an abortion, why not force parental consent to have sex?

it's not about the parents. it's about the kid who is about to destroy her life because she's a fucking wimp and doesnt want to own up to her mistakes.

even if you brave the pregnancy, i dont understand why people dump babies in dumpsters. to these jackasses know that you can drop a baby off at a fire station, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!
Well, I agree with you and I've been lambasted on here before for saying the same thing (that people who have abortions are pussies). I still stand by the notion that if people are old enough to have sex they are old enough to deal with the consequences. HOWEVER, it's not that cut and dry obviously. That's my technical standpoint. My realisitic standpoint is that it's sometimes more ruinous for all parties involved for the teenager to try and keep that baby. It's a case by case basis. We really shouldn't be generalizing here.

Bottom line is yeah, minors should have to get their parents consent to have an abortion, just like they should with every single other medical procedure. They should also be educated by the same dumbass parents on the dangers of unprotected sex.

Or whatever.
Well, I agree with you and I've been lambasted on here before for saying the same thing (that people who have abortions are pussies). I still stand by the notion that if people are old enough to have sex they are old enough to deal with the consequences. HOWEVER, it's not that cut and dry obviously. That's my technical standpoint. My realisitic standpoint is that it's sometimes more ruinous for all parties involved for the teenager to try and keep that baby. It's a case by case basis. We really shouldn't be generalizing here.

Bottom line is yeah, minors should have to get their parents consent to have an abortion, just like they should with every single other medical procedure. They should also be educated by the same dumbass parents on the dangers of unprotected sex.

Or whatever.

So true Dorian.

** I deleted this part because it was stupid the way I put it and I didn't proofread it at all.**

I meant it more to mean that there shouldn't be a blanket statement on "Parental approval or else". You'd hope that in (extreme) circumstances she'd go to the police to get help, but there are often psychological issues that make that hard/impossible and such.
Prop Pro-Life Bullshit was a short-sighted and cruel attempt to regulate abortion through fear. You know what kind of girl doesn't tell her parents she's getting an abortion? The kind who's scared of what they'll do to her. Can't expect everyone to be this perfect, loving, understanding but firm American Ideal-mother and father. What NAD mentioned is an extreme (and fucking scary) case, but besides that there's thousands of rural fathers who'd beat the holy piss out of their daughters should they show up asking for a doctor's note to get an abortion.
Prop Pro-Life Bullshit was a short-sighted and cruel attempt to regulate abortion through fear. You know what kind of girl doesn't tell her parents she's getting an abortion? The kind who's scared of what they'll do to her. Can't expect everyone to be this perfect, loving, understanding but firm American Ideal-mother and father. What NAD mentioned is an extreme (and fucking scary) case, but besides that there's thousands of rural fathers who'd beat the holy piss out of their daughters should they show up asking for a doctor's note to get an abortion.

Yeah but as long as you don't lose sleep over it does it really matter?
I always kind of supported abortion, because, if you don't have the means to raise a child properly, then you should raise one at all. I guess I based this on a personal theory that a fucked up childhood more or less makes a person a social malefactor as they age, but I think this is a fairly underdeveloped theory, seeing as there is no way to clearly define how to "properly" raise a child, and the "parents" in questions should have to face consequences for their actions..
Yeah, there's a similar theory posited by the guy who co-wrote Freakonomics. It makes sense to a degree I guess but man, there's an awful lot of variables to account for. Having a child of my own, I personally can't imagine ending a life but I still think it's a woman's decision to do what she wants with her body.
If you wanna have the kid, have it. If you dont want it and can afford to get rid of it, dont have it. The world is over populated enough as is. Catholic religion is the most irresponsible religion ever. My friend Jeff has Eight Kids yes 8 because of his catholic beliefs in no birth control. How is that fair to his family and the struggles we will have to endure because of it. And what happens if he dies or his wife dies Ill end up having to pay for his kids, not me myself but the everyday tax payer. The whole Catholic idea is completely piss backwards.