Wanna play Ozzfest? Pony up 75 G's

To clarify, not every band on Ozzfest has to pay to play, but a lot of them do.

It's been $75,000 for several years. A friends' band toured on Ozzfest a few years ago and that was the price back then, too. They left the tour about halfway through to open for Rammstein, a choice they thought was much for the better. (I'm told they got half of their payment back from Sharon, which is more than I expected....)

I've only been to Ozzfest once, to see CoF, and happily the tickets were gratis since I could only stay for a few hours. -whew-
I heard or read in an interview that they (Ozzfest/Osbournes) also take a cut of their merch table. Now how is a new band who just paid XXX amount of buckage able to recoup some if they consistently have someone dipping into their profit margin? some people are just too damn greedy. Spread the wealth not throw the eggs!!!